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"Okay but how did we manage to sneak a puppy into the school?"

"The same way we managed to become animagi under everyone's noses, Moony." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Why are we doing this again?" Peter asked us.

"It's a gift for Hagrid. He's saved us from the centaurs one too many times, same with the acromantulas. Besides, it's our last few months here and we owe him. Why not give him some company?" James said.

"We don't speak of the damn spiders. I still have the nightmares." I shuddered. "Follow the spiders, James said. Let's see where it leads to, James said. That was your worst idea to date, Prongs."

"I thought the tree swinging was his worst idea." Sirius laughed holding the puppy. "Hagrid is going to love this."


"Hey, Hagrid. What do you got there?"

"It's a hippogriff! I called him Buckbeak. Wanna pet him?" Hagrid asked me smiling and I nodded. "First you bow and if he bows back, then you can pet him."

I bowed and the hippogriff almost immediately bowed back making me smile.

"He's very pretty, Hagrid. Where did you get it?" Peter asked sitting down next to me.

"Had an injured wing so I took him in to fit it. He should be all better now and going to his mamma soon." Hagrid said and poured us all drinks. "What brings you troublemakers here?"

"Now now, Hagrid. We've left our mischievous ways ages ago when James became Head Boy." Sirius smirked but Hagrid didn't believe him. "Okay, okay. It's mostly Jade and I who are causing trouble."

"And making my life hell." James rolled his eyes.

"Jade, is that what I think it is?" I nodded and showed him the ring. Hagrid teared up and pulled me and Sirius into a hug. "Congratulations you two. When did it happen?"

"The night of the Yule Ball in the Astronomy tower." Sirius smiled.

"You're coming to the wedding, right Hagrid?" I asked once we broke from the hug.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Anyways. We're graduating soon and we owe you a shit ton for saving our necks various times throughout the years." Remus said smiling.

"So we decided to give you something to keep you company." Sirius smiled and moved his hands revealing the puppy. "It's our way of saying thanks for saving our asses on more than one occasion."

Hagrid teared up again and took the puppy from Sirius' arms.

"It's a male, by the way. We named him Fang, but you can change the name if you like." I smiled at Hagrid.

"I'll keep calling him Fang. That way you kids will still be with me. Thank you so much." Hagrid looked at us teary-eyed and smiling.

"You're welcome, Hagrid."


"Minnie, you in here?" We all walked into her office to hind her looking at us through her 'spectacles of death' as Sirius calls them.

"What can I do for you all today?" McGonagall asked us and we sat down by her desk.

"Let's be real here, Minnie. You've adopted us as your children. We're Minnie's kids." Sirius said taking a biscuit.

"What Sirius means is that you care for us as if we were your own children." Remus elbowed Sirius making him choke on his biscuit. "And all of us are eternally grateful for not getting us killed by all the things we've done."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now