Third Year

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"James, leave Lily alone please"

"But Jade, she loves me. I'm sure of it"

"Yeah? And apparently Snivelus discovered shampoo." Peter walked into the compartment with Remus behind him. "Where's Sirius?"

"Here! I'm here" Sirius stormed into the compartment and closed it.

"Impecable timing as always, my dear Sirius" I laughed and leaned back looking at the boy. He had his hair covering his face as he sat next to Remus. I was expecting a sarcastic comeback but instead he stayed quiet and looked at the window.

"Is it 11 yet?" He asked.

"About five minutes left I think" James looked at me and gestured to Sirius. I shrugged and looked at Remus who also shrugged and looked at Peter.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Peter asked Sirius putting a hand on his shoulder. He tensed slightly. I sighed and stood up once the train started to move.

"Hey Sirius, I believe you owe me some sweets. Let's go find the trolley" I looked at him and smiled.

"Why don't you wait until the trolley comes?" James asked confused.

"Because I am an impatient person and I want them now. Come on Sirius." I grabbed his hand and we left the compartment. We walked around for a while until I luckily found an empty compartment. "Your mom again?"

He nodded.

"She's worse every year."

"Where was it this time?" I sighed and gestured him to sit down. Sirius sat down next to me and put his head in his hands.

"A slap in the face. Right before we left for King's Cross. She told me the usual. About how I'm a disgrace to the Black name and she hopes that Regulus will turn out better than I did. It's a miracle she hasn't disowned me yet."

"Let me see." He shook his head. "Sirius, I can't help you if you don't let me see."

He removed his hands and I moved the hair from his face. On his left cheek there was a bright red hand mark. I sighed and pulled out my wand. I healed his cheek and smiled.

"All better. Nobody will know, only us. It'll be our secret, I promise." He smiled at this and hugged me.

"Thank you Jade."

"No need to thank me, Sirius. I'll always be here for you" I hugged him back.


"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" I sighed as I sat on the Slytherin table. I looked towards the Gryffindor table where my brother and friends were. James noticed me looking at him and started to make faces. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I still don't know why you hang out with them" Severus said sitting next to me. "They're idiots."

"Hush up, Sev. That's my brother and friends your talking about." I rolled my eyes again and started to eat.

"All the more reason. Only you would befriend a Gryffindor" he rolled his eyes also and glared at my brother.

"Oh yeah? And what about Lily Evans, huh? Isn't she your friend? And oh yeah, I almost forgot. She's also a gryffindor. You see, we're not that different. I have my gryffindor friends and you have yours." I smirked and looked at Lily. "And you forget that she's also my best friend."

Severus said nothing. He only rolled his eyes and ate in silence.

I win this round.


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