The Chandelier

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"Hey James, where are the boys?" I asked my twin as he sat down in front of me.

"Sirius is doing stuff"


"Stopping Sirius from doing the stuff." He shrugged.


"Stopping Remus from stopping Sirius from doing the stuff."

"And why the hell are you here?" I moved to stand up but James grabbed my arms.

"Stopping you from stopping Peter from stopping Moony from stopping Sirius from doing the stuff." I rolled my eyes and removed my hands from his and made my way to wherever the hell they were.

"I wish that damn map was finished." I muttered and James tried to catch up to me.

"Let's think before you kill Sirius. What if it's not bad?" He tried to stop me but I pushed him away.

"Is it bad, James?" I glared at my brother who flinched. He nodded looking down and I heard a crash coming from the direction of Filch's office. At first I saw nothing until James yelled and pointed at the ceiling and there he was. Sirius Black is dangling from a chandelier. Why? Just why?


"THE THIRD!" I facepalmed.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK THE THIRD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON THAT CHANDELIER!?" I yelled and turned to James who was looking at Sirius wide-eyed.

"Sirius get down from there!" James yelled and we started to make our way up the staircase nearby when Remus and Peter walked in.

"Where the hell were you two!?" I whacked them both on the head.

"We were looking for a way to get him down from there and went looking for you" Remus panted looking at Sirius. "I honestly don't know how this happened"

"Is this going to be a regular thing? Because if so, I'm going to have to talk to Minnie about this. If this is becoming a regular thing, I need to know beforehand so I can prepare the speech." I grabbed them both by their ties and made my way up the stairs where James was trying to figure out how to get Sirius down.

"Sirius, how did you get there?" James pinched his nose and looked at the boy.

"Well James, I don't know myself. It just happened." He shrugged.

"Things like this don't just happen, Sirius! This demands an explanation." I yelled. I pulled out my wand and told James to do the same. "You get the legs, I'll get the arms. Hopefully he hasn't broken any bones."

"Levicorpus" we said in unison and Sirius was floating. We sat him down in front of us somewhat safely and he grinned.

"Good morning sunshine!" I whacked him in the head. "What was that for?"

"For your stupidity. You could've gotten killed. You could've gotten expelled which is worse!" I ran my hands through my hair in desperation.

"How is him getting expelled worse than dying?" Peter asked me.

"If he's expelled, he has to go back to Walburga. Personally, death feels like a stroll in the park." Remus shrugged and looked at Sirius who looked like a puppy who just got kicked. "We leave you alone for five minutes to look for Jade and you're dangling from a chandelier. Care to explain?"

"Running from Mrs. Norris." James and I facepalmed and looked at each other.

"You do know that you're a wizard right?" James said sarcastically.

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now