"AGAIN WITH THE ATTACKS!? The fucking hell is this shit!?" I looked at Remus who shrugged looking at me quite scared.
"I honestly don't know, little Vixen. But I have a bad feeling about this." Remus started picking at his scars and I had to stop him.
"Moony, stop it. They're still fresh and start bleeding again. Leave your gorgeous face alone."
"No, Moony. I've watched you pick at your scars for six years and mumbling stuff that isn't true. Cut it out, okay? I've told you time and time again that your scars don't mean anything to us. They may be a reminder of your lycanthropy, so what? It makes you look cooler in my opinion." I shrugged. "And besides, now we kinda look alike considering the amount of scratches you gave me last year before Prongs had to push you away during the first full moons."
"I'm sorry about that, you know?" Remus looked down ashamed.
"It's fine, Moony. I don't mind. Besides, now I look like my best friend." I smiled and grabbed his books. "Let's go for a walk. I miss spending time with my Moony."
"Have you seen Wormtail?"
"He was gonna hang out with that Ravenclaw he's been fancying since fourth year. Last night he worked up the courage to talk to her during Study Hall." I said as we walked out of the common room and headed towards the Black Lake.
"Pads and Prongs are at quidditch right?" I nodded.
"Wood has them practicing every day pretty much. Whenever the snakes don't have the field, the boys are there practicing. I can't wait until he graduates and James becomes captain or something. Frank told me that Wood eats, breathes and sleeps quidditch."
"Do you think that Gryffindor will win this year?" Remus smirked and nudged my side.
"As if. The Snakes always win, Moony. You lions have no chance." I smirked and pushed him. "Race you to the Lake!"
"You're on!"
"I so won." I stated as I sat down by a tree.
"I let you win." Remus huffed and sat down next to me.
"As if." I looked to the Lake and sighed. "Pads birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I don't know what to get him."
"I know what you should get him." Remus wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I punched his arm. "Or maybe not, then."
"And have James walk in on us? Not a chance, Moony. He still thinks we traumatized him the day he walked in on us making out." I shrugged.
"What the hell happened that day? All I know is that Prongs was yelling at me and mentioned something about a bra strap?" Remus laughed.
"He had a fit because he saw me and Pads making out and he saw my bra strap because I was wearing a tank top. That's all that happened." I rolled my eyes. "But I'm serious, Moony. What should I do for Pads birthday? He said he didn't want anything big but I still want to make it special for him."
"If you won't do what I'm suggesting, then how about a surprise party? It doesn't have to be big or anything. We could go to one of our hideouts and do it or in the common room."
"That's actually not a bad idea, Moony! Thanks." I smiled at him.
"Sure. I can talk to the girls tonight and see if they're on board with it. And you could owl your parents to send some party stuff and we'll be good to go." I nodded and hugged him.
"You're the best, Moony. I owe you."
"Anything for my Little Vixen."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)
FanfictionSirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife. Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman after the First Wizarding War, his best friend. The fifth marauder, the twin sister to their best fr...