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Jade Potter

"I'm surrounded by idiots, I swear

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"I'm surrounded by idiots, I swear."

Remus Lupin

"If you were more stupid, you'd be going backwards

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"If you were more stupid, you'd be going backwards."

James Potter

"You both are driving me insane

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"You both are driving me insane."

Sirius Black

"Did you just do what I think you did?"

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"Did you just do what I think you did?"

Lily Evans

"He's staring at you again

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"He's staring at you again."

Peter Pettigrew

"The two of you are extremely blind

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"The two of you are extremely blind."

Severus Snape

"You don't understand

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"You don't understand. You'll never understand."

Regulus Black

                "I'm so sorry, but I had no choice

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                "I'm so sorry, but I had no choice."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now