The Marauders

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"Didi, what are you doing on the floor?"

"Contemplating life." I said as I looked at the ceiling.

"You fell?" James smirked.

"Yep. Help me up." I took his hands and stood up and immediately felt dizzy. "Ugh, Pomfrey said this would happen."


"I kinda left the hospital wing earlier than expected." I said uneasy.

"YOU WHAT!?" James yelled and held me upright. "Vixen, are you barking mad!?"

"I'm bored up there Prongs! And besides, I'll be fine as long as you guys take care of me. Now let's go, breakfast is ready." I grabbed his hand as walked towards the Great Hall.

"You're staying with us every night until the year is up. We've told McGonagall and she agreed."

"YOU DID WHAT!? James, what the hell!?" I slapped his chest.

"Calm down. We didn't tell her everything, and we told her because we trust her. You trust her." James tried to calm me down. "Don't get so heated, Vix. You'll get dizzy again."

"Fine. But I'm not completely on board with this."

"Yes you are. It means spending more time with Padfoot." James smirked.

"Alone?" I smirked back.

"Don't push my buttons, Didi."

"Just shut up and get me some food, Bam Bam. I want to see Sirius." I nudged his arm.

"You saw him last night." James rolled his eyes at me.

"So? I want to see him again. Now let's go so you can feed me. I'm hungry and I miss my boys."

"You're lucky I love you, Jade." James rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around me.

"I love you too, James."


"Guess who left the hospital wing early!?" James yelled once we entered the Great Hall.

"YOU WHAT!?" The three boys yelled in unison.

"I got bored and left. Deal with it." I sat down next to Sirius and kissed him. "Good morning, Padfoot."

"Good morning, my sunshine. Why did you leave the hospital wing?"

"It's boring up there, Pads. Now I know how Moony feels. I'm so sorry, Moony." I said and held Remus' hand from across the table.

"It's okay, Vix. I usually spend a night or two at most. You spent two weeks cooped up in there." Remus laughed and handed me a plate of food. "Eat, you'll feel better."

"Thanks, Moony." I said with a mouthful of food.

"Close your mouth, Didi. That's unladylike." James smirked.

"Suck my dick, James."


"Vixen, we did something!" James yelled as the boys ran through the courtyard.

"Whatever it is you did, I'm not becoming an alibi for you boys." I smirked at Regulus who held a laughter.

"Just come here a second." Sirius pulled me up and smiled at his little brother. "Hi, Reg."

"Hi, Siri. I got an Outstanding at Potions today." Regulus smiled at his older brother.

"Really!? I'm so proud of you little bro." Sirius ruffled Reg's hair and pulled me aside. "This is extremely important."

The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now