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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎



me and Kotaro Bokuto were at the park. we hadn't seen each other in a while and our mothers, who are very good friends, decided to meet up and let us play together.


"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MONKEY BARS?!", he yelled back.

"OH, AND THE SWINGS", I continued.

"We have plenty of time left, kids", my mom said to us.

Kotaro and I looked at each other and ran for the monkey bars.


"of course I can!", I beamed.

"you need to hang normal first, then put your feet around the bar and let yourself hang!", I explained while copying every move that I had said.

I saw Kotaro look at me wide-eyed before climbing up as well. I got down so I could give him space.

I was looking at my friend when I heard a familiar sound coming from far, but getting closer.

"KO, ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!", I yelled before running off to our mothers who were happily chatting on a bench near the playground.

a few seconds later, Ko had already caught up to me. we both were jumping up and down and were walking to the truck, holding each other's hand.

I got (insert favorite ice cream flavor) and Kotaro had a cookie dough flavor. "WE SHOULD EAT IT ON THE SWINGS!", he exclaimed. we both ran off to the swings. I almost made it to the swing until I tripped over a log, dropping my ice cream. I looked down as I saw my beloved ice cream drop to the ground.

"m- my ice cream", I managed to say before bursting out in tears. I got my favorite dress dorty which made me even sadder.

Kotaro came up to me and held out his cone to me. "I already licked it but you can have mine if you want!", he said, blushing and giving me the biggest smile I've ever seen.


"AYO KO! LOOK WHAT I GOT!", I yelled to my friend, who was in the puddle next to me, jumping around.

it was Ko's 7th birthday and he was holding a party, but none of the invited kids showed up, I was the only one. he was pretty sad.

I had found an earthworm and was holding it up so Kotaro could see it. "OH IS THAT A WORM?!", he exclaimed happily. I proudly nodded and said that I caught it. "KO, WE SHOULD GIVE HIM A NAME AND BUILD HIM A HOUSE!", I said. "YEA WE SHOULD DO THAT!!"

"no Hunny, you should put the worm back to where it came from", Nasika, Kotarou's mom, said. "otherwise it's parents will miss him too!", she exclaimed. We both pouted but agreed anyway and put the worm back in the puddle where I found him.

"KIDS, COME INSIDE! THE RAIN WILL PROBABLY WORSEN SOON AND YOU'LL CATCH A COLD! I MADE HOT COCOA AND I HAVE SOME COOKIES!", Nasika yelled from the back door of the house. we both raced inside, only to be stopped by Nasika. "you guys are covered in mud! I'll make a hot bath for you two with extra soap!"


"HEY HEY HEYYY Y/N!", I heard the oh- so familiar voice yell from behind. the loud voice rang through the school halls. 'today is my last day with Ko in middle school', I thought.

the loud voice caught up to me and revealed the owl looking boy, smiling widely at me. she flung an arm around me and side hugged me. I smiled at him.

"TODAY WE'LL GET OUR RESULTS AND SEE IS WE'RE ACCEPTER TO FUKURODANI ACADEMY, Y/N! AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!", he yelled. "yes I a-am Ko", I said, but accidentally let out a small stutter. "are you okay Y/n?", he asked worriedly. "I am. I think I'm just overreacting and worried. what if one of us doesn't get into Fukurodani?", I said.

the tips of his hair lowered themselves, meaning one thing: 'Emo mode'. "Y/NNNNN OF COURSE WE'LL BOTH GET IN! YOU'RE SO GOOD AT PLAYING THE PIANO AND VOLLEYBALL! YOU'RE PROBABLY THE BEST LIBERO I'VE EVER SEEN!", he beamed, throwing his arms in the air. "AND YOU'RE SO SMART! YOU GOT AN EVEN HIGHER GRADE ON ENGLISH THAN I DID!"

"ko, we both failed that one test, at the beginning of the year.. ", I said, shaking my head while still laughing. "well... YOU STILL DID BETTER!", he said, now completely happy. I smiled at him.

"OH BEFORE I FORGET! ARE YOU COMING OVER ONCE YOU RECEIVED YOUR LETTER SO WE CAN OPEN IT TOGETHER?!", he asked excitedly with hope in his eyes. "well duh! of course, I am!", I grinned at him.

when I got home after the last day of middle school, my mom was waving her hand that was holding a letter in front of me. I snatched it out of her hands and ran out the door to Ko's house.

when I arrived I opened the door, took off my shoes, greeted Nasika, and ran to Kotaro's room.

I burst through the door and saw him laying on his stomach, on his bed. I closed the door and jumped on Kotaro's back. "did you receive your letter?", he said, surprisingly quiet. "U good ko?", I asked. "Just a little nervous", he said. "okay we're gonna open it at the same time okay?", I moved myself up a little so I could place my head on top of Ko's and so I could read his letter.




I ripped up the envelope and read the letter

"I GOT ACCEPTED!", we both yell at the same time.

we both got quiet before we both jumped up and hugged each other tightly. "SEE?! I TOLD YOU WE WOULD BOTH GET IN!", he yelled. "YEA I KNOW, NO NEED TO RUB IT IN KO"


Ko and I both tried out for the volleyball team, he for the boys' team, and I for the girls' team.

We both got into the clubs we wanted, me already being the official Libero of the girls' team and Ko was the official wing spiker of the team.

Ko and I also had all our classes together, and our lockers were next to each other.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now