ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

Kotaro brought me home that night when it was already dark. He held my hand in his tightly with our fingers intertwined.

we got inside the house and took off our shoes. "Do you want to stay for the night?", I asked Kotaro. "Yes please", He replied.

we both went to my room. "I'm going to take a quick shower, I'll be right back", I said, going into the bathroom

I took off my make-up and clothes and hopped in the shower.

I let the warm water run down my body, as I started thinking about today.

'Ko's lips were so soft', I thought, as I secretly fangirled. 'how am I going to confess?'.

I kept thinking about cute ways to confess, but I had already lost track of time.

I got out of the shower, dried myself off, and put on some pajamas.

I walked back into the bedroom and saw Kotaro already passed out on the bed, on top of the sheets, shirtless. I felt myself heating up as I stared at his broad shoulders and strong looking arm.

I walked over to Kotaro and softly shook him awake. "ko, You need to lay underneath the sheets, you'll catch a cold if you don't.", I said.

he slightly opened his eyes and looked at me. he didn't say anything. he just looked at me.

"Are you okay, Ko?", I asked him, stroking a few strands of hair out of his face. he again didn't reply.

he stood up, removed the covers, and laid down, holding the blanket open for me. "C'mon, I want cuddles", He pouted.

I giggled at his cute actions and laid on top of him. he placed the tip of his chin on top of mine and softly rubbed my back.

I could hear his fast heartbeat through his thick chest. I carefully moved my head and looked at him. his cheeks had a cute pink tint. I smiled and placed my head back on his chest.

he started humming softly as he stroke my hair.

I already was pretty tired from today, so I managed to catch myself drifting off quickly.

"good night, beautiful.", I heard Kotaro vaguely say before everything went black and I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning to loud snoring, coming from underneath me. I looked up and saw Kotaro still in a deep slumber.

"ko, since when do you snore?!", I asked confused, making his eyes open. "hmm? what did you say?", he asked confused.

"I said, since when do you snore?", I repeated. he looked at me tiredly. "... I snore?", he asked confusedly.

I placed the back of my hand against his forehead. he was feeling very hot and he was slightly sweating.

"Ko are you feeling sick?", I asked. "I don't know.. my head kind of hurts though", He said.

"I'm going to make us some breakfast, okay? please stay here.", I said, as I walked downstairs.

I warmed up some milk for us and made some batter for waffles.

I finished making waffles and walked upstairs, seeing Kotaro already passed out again. I slightly giggled and sat beside him.

"Koooooooooo I have waffles!", I said. he didn't seem to wake up, so I nudged him carefully, luckily waking him up.

he looked at the plate I was holding and back at me. "the waffles are yours", I smiled as I already ate some waffles downstairs earlier.

he quickly ate the waffles and after placed his head in my lap. he grabbed my hand and placed it on his head. I gently stroke his hair while scrolling through my phone.


I was still sitting in bed after a few hours. Kotaro has fallen asleep in my lap and my phone had died already a while ago.

I was very bored. I wasn't sitting close enough to grab my charger and I didn't want to wake him up.

"Y/NNNNNNN!", I suddenly heard Kotaro yell, startling me. "what's up?", I calmly reply.

"I'MHUNGRYCANYOUPLEASEMAKEMEFOOD", He blurted out. "I'm sorry what?", I asked. "I'm hungry, can you please please PLEASE make me some food...?", He asked again.

I ruffled his deflated hair and giggled. "If that's what can cheer you up then sure. Do you want some chicken noodles? that's the only thing I have left at the moment.", I said, getting up.

he looked at me and he had small tears in the corner of his eyes.

"what's wrong?!", I asked him worriedly. "WAAAAAAHHHH YOU'RE JUST TOO SWEET I CAN'TTTTT!", he dramatically said. I giggled and ruffled his hair.

I got up and walked to the door. I heard blankets move from behind me and footsteps following soon after. I turned around and saw Kotaro standing there, putting on some clothes.

"you can stay in bed, I'll be back soon", I said, walking out of my room, and down the stairs.

I was waiting for the kettle to finish warming up the water. I looked outside the empty driveway where usually my parents' cars were parked.

'God, how I miss them', I thought. they both worked really hard for the company that they owned and had to go on loads of business trips. I felt really sad that they weren't with me as much anymore, but at least I had Kotaro.

"don't make such an ugly frown, if you keep it on your pretty face longer, it will stay there.", A low voice from behind me suddenly said.

I saw the Owl's familiar hands around my waist and small white-haired strands in the corner of my eye.

"what's making a beautiful person as you frown at this time of day?", he asked with a silly accent.

I laughed. "I don't know. I guess I just miss my parents.", I said. "when will they be back?", he asked.

"I have no idea", I said. he hummed, not knowing what to say when the kettle was finished warming up the water.

I grabbed the kettle and carefully poured the water into the cups. "c'mon, Ko, let's go back to bed and eat, I'm starving.", I said, forcing a smile, but he saw right through me.

"geez we've known each other for god knows how long and you still think I won't notice a fake smile?", he asked. I nervously chuckled and walked past him to my room.

I placed down the cups with noodles and wrapped myself in blankets. Kotaro soon followed and sat behind me. I was a little confused but he then picked me up and placed me in his lap, wrapping the blanket around the both of us.

he hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder like he always does.

"can we watch Sofia the first...?", he quietly asked. I burst out into laughter but agreed anyway.

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