ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟛

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

"Happy birthday baby", I heard Kotaro vaguely say. I just woke up to him laying next to me and pressing kisses all on my face.

"Hey Ko!", I smiled. "Happy birthday!", He beamed. "you just told me but thank you babyyyy", I said, clinging onto him like a koala. "I thought you didn't hear", He smiled and hugged me back.

"now come downstairs! I've got some presents!", He said, pulling my by my arm and downstairs.

I walked downstairs and saw a nice breakfast ready and a vase with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in it.

"Omg ko they're so pretty! thank you..", I said, getting a little emotional for some reason. "BABY OWL DON'T CRY PLEASE!", He hugged me tightly.

"Sorry, it's just so sweet!", I said. "there's a note on it, BUT WAIT- YOU CAN'T READ IT YET! read it when you're alone!", He smiled.

"I- Okay baby I will! thank you so much! I love it. Let's eat your delicious looking breakfast now!".


"ko.. What did you put in the drawer?", I asked curiously. I stood up and opened the drawer a bit more.

"I hid many more presents in your house, so you can have a little game finding everything!", He beamed. "OH MY GOD NO YOU DIDN'T!", I beamed, smiling so bright it could blind people.


I first grabbed the present out of the drawer and put it on the kitchen table. "I wanna open it all at once when we find everything!".

I walked around the house, not being able to find anything. "Did you take everything away?", I said, making Kotaro laugh.

"I can literally see one of the presents, look again", He laughed. I looked around but couldn't see anything. "But you know where you hid it, ofcourse you know where it is.", I pouted.

I looked on the couch and saw small, pink paper coming from underneath one of the pillows.

"I FOUND IT-", I said, jumping on the couch and grabbing the present.

"maybe look in the fridge...", I heard him mumble. I sprinted my way to the fridge and saw a big box standing there. "How come it smells so good- IS THAT CAKE?!", I yelled. He nodded.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!", I yelled, running up to him and hugging him. I let go and ran to search for other presents.

I soon found other presents downstairs and put them all together on the table. I was about to open them all when Kotaro stopped me. "What if these still aren't all the presents I've hidden?", He said, smirking.

"Ko, that's too much baby", I said. "I KNOW- but, you've worked SO hard and you never accept any gifts so I just bought everything and you can't give them back since I didn't ask for a receipt.", He said proudly, "Now, don't say anything and go upstairs to find the others!".

we walked upstairs and soon I found all the remaining presents. I placed all the presents on the kitchen table and got Kotaro and me a piece of cake that he had bought.

"OPEN THEM UP!",  Kotaro excitedly said. I sat down and grabbed one of the presents.

"Yeah you might want to open that one up later... I knew you almost ran out and I thought it'd be fun to wrap them up as well", He laughed nervously. I opened it up anyway and saw he had bought some pads.

"ahw I actually needed those! thank you bub!", I said, kissing his cheek.

I opened the other presents and saw that he had bought other things like shampoo and bath bombs, chocolate, and my other favorite candy.

"ko I love you so much! thank you!", I said, smiling. "No need to thank me! you always gave me awesome birthday gifts and I wanted to do something back! and do you remember when I was a kid and no one showed up to my party? you were the only one there and I didn't want you to be alone on your special day too! you only turning eighteen once!", He smiled.

"you really didn't have to do any of this, Ko, though I'm very happy that you did!", I beamed.

He placed his hands around my waist and pulled me in for a tight hug. "waaa I love your hugs so much! I never wanna let you go!", He smiled, nuzzling his face in my neck.

his warm breath against my skin tickled so I let out a giggle and hugged him back. "do you want a piece of chocolate? I didn't have any snacks in my house so I thought we could watch a movie and eat these snacks maybe?", I suggested.

"but then they aren't yours anymore...", He pouted. "Well, you bought them, and well now they're mine so I can do whatever I want with it, which means I want to share!", I said.

"Okay fine", He said, picking me up and placing both of us down on the couch.

I did have to admit. Kotaro had gotten even more clingy than he already was, but that didn't matter to me. he got clingy in a nice way.

[sorry for the short chapter! But be prepared, next chapter may have some smut

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[sorry for the short chapter! But be prepared, next chapter may have some smut...👀]

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