ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

"Y/NIEEEE WAKE UP!", some weirdo yelled while jumping on my bed, plopping their body down next to me. "KO IT IS... 5 IN THE MORNING! LET. ME. SLEEP!", I groaned, pulling the covers over my head to hide my morning face.

"geez no need to be so moody!", he said, crawling underneath the blankets so he could see me. "why are you here so early, it's vacation, get sleep", I whined. "UHm, I hate to break it to you, but today is our first day of school, my dear owl", he said, poking my cheek. "HOLY SHIT! I PROMISED NAIMA THAT I WOULD HELP HER CLEAN!"

I rushed downstairs after I threw on my uniform and brushed my teeth. "C'MON KO, WE GOTTA LEAVE!", I yelled out to Kotaro, who had now made himself comfortable on the couch. "W-WAIT WHY DO I GOTTA COME?!", he asked in confusion. "BECAUSE YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY CLEAN AND HELP YOUR MOM, NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!"


we both made it to the girls' gym, panting, to see Naima there waving her hand.




"me too! didn't you play with Oikawa-san when you were with him?", I asked. "well, he was busy with annoying Hajime, so I just set to him.", she said shrugging.

Naima was also one of my best friends. Kotaro and I met her in our second year, she sat behind us. Naima was probably one of the best setters I've ever seen and was incredibly kind. She knew Oikawa and Iwaizumi both knew her well since Iwaizumi was her cousin. he had introduced her to Oikawa and they have been dating for quite a while.

"So are you guys excited for our last year at Fukurodani?", Naima asked, while trying to set up the volleyball net. "well, Ko and I have all of our classes together so of course, I'm excited!", I said, patting the owl looking guy on his head.

did I suddenly grow a few inches taller? no. I was sitting on his shoulders, trying to get some spider webs away. our gym keys got taken away so no one was here during summer break and the place was covered in dust and other disgusting things.

"Are you almost done, Miss 'I'm not touching the spiders'?", Kotaro asked, tapping my leg. "what- I'm not touching those disgusting things!", I huffed as he kept mocking me in a playful way.

"there's a spider there-" "GWWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!", I yelled, kicking my legs around. "DON'T MOVE OUR I'LL DROP YOU Y/N! I WAS KIDDING!", Kotaro exclaimed. "OH MY GOD I HATE YOU!", I said, slapping his head. "w- wait you d- do?", he pouted. "No I don't, Ko, are you crazy?", I hugged him to apologize.


"I think we're done here!", I exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder to Naima who was looking pale. "what if there aren't enough girls who want to join our team? you see our last third years left, Aratani, you and I are the only third years and Hanae en Izumi are the only second years we have..", she mumbled. "don't worry, we'll just try to get other people to join then if no one wants to.", I comforted her.

"We should get to class now", Kotaro exclaimed, already waiting for us in the doorway.

we made our way to our class and soon separated from Naima, who unfortunately wasn't in our class. "Okay, Ko. if you spot any empty desks near the back to the window, just run and throw yourself on them, 'kay?", I asked. he nodded and we entered the room.

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