ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

The new week had finally started and all school activities had been canceled, including my volleyball practice and all because of one reason: test week.

test week was one of the most stressful weeks of the year, where we have to take many exams that were important for our report card.

Kotaro and I were walking towards school, I still quickly going over the things we needed to study, while Kotaro was humming along to the song we listened to together, sharing our earphones.

"can we go get coffee before we go to the exam?", Kotaro asked. "Sure, though I'm not ordering anything, you can.", I said, flipping around the pages of my notebook. "are you nervous?", He asked. I nodded and a second later, Kotaro had snatched my notebook out of my hand.

"give that back, Ko", I sighed, too tired to argue. "no. you need to relax! the only thing you've been doing is study! your already tiny brain is going to burst if it studies for one more minute!", He said as he poked my forehead. "My brain is bigger than yours...", I pouted.

"you just wait here, I'll go buy something quickly", Kotaro said when we arrived at the coffee shop.  he ran inside and got into the small line in front of the cashier to order his drink.

after some moments, he came back with a coffee and hot chocolate milk with whipped cream and handed the hot cocoa to me. "drink up!", he said with a smile. I grabbed the cup and took a small sip.

"It tastes really good, thanks Ko!", I said. "Aahhh no problem!", He beamed. "why are you so excited?", I asked with a confused smile on my face. "Because I feel like I'm going to rock that test! You helped me so I feel like it's going to be easy!", he said, pumping his fist in the air.

I softly giggled, feeling exhausted already, and we continued our walk to the school building.


"Alright, go search for the seat that has your name written on a small card and sit down please!", Our teacher explained to everyone who came into the room.

Kotaro and I walked around the room and I soon found my seat, luckily near the window. Kotaro wasn't that lucky and had to sit next to someone else.

the teacher gave us our paper and I turned it around. "shit..", I hear other classmates of mine say. I look over my shoulder to Kotaro, to see him writing down stuff already. 'I hope he does well', I thought as I turned my gaze back to my own paper that was laying in front of me.

I was looking through all the questions, already answering the ones that I knew, and started working on the harder ones.

after some time I had finished my first test and went up to the teacher's desk to give it in. "here is your second test, good luck", she lazily said, as she handed me another stack of paper with math problems on them. "Uhm miss? didn't you tell us that we had only an English exam today?", I asked, my heart dropping to my stomach.

I heard other people muttering and telling them that they didn't know either.

"Are you that stupid? I said that we had math as well", she said with an angry tone in her voice. "No, you didn't miss", a boy that was sitting in front said. "I didn't? well, that sucks for you. now go solve the problems", she shooed me away.

'fucking bitch', I thought as I clicked my tongue.

I sat back down and started to work on math.


I soon finished my math and gave it back to the teacher. "leave, you can go home", the teacher said. I looked at Kotaro and signaled to him that I would wait outside for him. he nodded and I left the room.

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