ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

"Ko, why did you post that picture of meeeee", I whined. I look like a foodie in that picture! "I thought it was really cute!", he pouted. "you think so?", I asked him with a pouty look. "yes you looked really cute while eating pizza... SCRAP THAT, you always look cute!", he said, grabbing my face and scrunching it together.

"boop", he said, as he booped my nose. I scrunched my face together, to which Kotaro replied with a small giggle.

"Ko, you know that you're here right now to study right?", I asked him. "but I don't want to study! I wanna cuddle with my baby owl!", he said as he clung to my body.

"maybe get yourself a girlfriend, then you can cuddle her whenever you want!", I said, trying to hype him up but deep down it hurt me to think about him having a girlfriend that's not me. "I don't want a girlfriend when I have an amazing friend who I can cuddle with and who's there for me whenever I need her!", he said, looking at me with a serious look on his face.

I giggled at his action and hugged him. "Fine, after 30 minutes of studying, you get a 10-minute cuddle break, Okay?", I suggested. he furiously nodded and smiled. 'too cute'


"no, Ko, If you want to say 'he worries', you spell it with an i and e, not the y.", I explained to him. we were doing English, his hardest subject. "wait- it's that easy?", he asked. "YES KO IT'S THAT EASY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT NOW?", I beamed as my eyes lit up with joy. he nodded and I high-fived him. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!", I said as I crushed him with a big hug, which he returned.

I let myself drop so I was sitting in his lap now while I was still hugging him. "30 minutes have passed, you know what that means?", I asked him.

he jumped up, taking me with him and he picked me up. "CUDDLEESSSSSSSSS!!!!", he yelled like a little kid that had got ice cream. I giggled and ruffled his hair.

we walked over to the couch and he laid down with me on top of him. I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck as he gently placed his head against mine and played with my hair. "thank you y/n, for helping me out so often", he said softly, as he stroke my back. "Anything for you", I replied before I blacked out, realizing how tired I was.


I woke up to a soft humming and my hair being played with. "Good morning! you should look outside!", he said, before gently turning me around and sitting me up. "Ko, I'm too tire- SNOW?!", I yelled in shock. "YESYESYESYES KO GET SOME WARM CLOTHES ON! WE'RE GOING OUTSIDE!", I said.

Kotaro laughed but got up anyway, shaking his head slightly while smiling to himself. "don't you wanna eat breakfast?", he asked. "THERE'NO TIME! THE SNOW IS WAITING FOR US!", I said, sprinting up the stairs. as I was running I heard Kotaro laugh loudly and to be honest, it sounded like music in my ears.

we soon made it outside and were looking for a good spot to make a snow angel. "HERE!", I heard Kotaro yell. I made my way over to him and looked at the beautiful spot in the garden that he had picked out. He didn't let me reply as he spun me around, grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers.

"let's make one together!", he said as he moved our connected hands up and down. I moved along and after, stood up carefully. "wow they look so pretty!", I beamed. "that's because the one you made, makes the ugliness of mine disappear", He said as he side hugged me. I giggled for a bit before I bowed down and grabbed some snow.

"Ko, can you pick me up?", I asked. "sure thing", he replied before picking me up and facing me. I smashed the hand filled with snow in his face and soaked his hair with the other one also filled with snow. he quickly dropped me, which gave me time to run away.

he grabbed snow as well and started chasing me.

we both chased each other almost the whole day and threw snow at each other. we made snow angels and built a snowman and named him Rick!

"Y/nnnnnnn? I'm Kinda hungry..", Kotaro said. "yea me too, let's go and make lunch", I suggested.

I made us both some sandwiches while Kotaro made his famous hot cocoa.

"do you like the hot chocolate milk?", He asked. "amazing as always!", I replied, as I got a tip of whipped cream on the tip of my nose.

Kotaro leaned forward and licked the whipped cream off my nose. "You had a little something there", He said, laughing at my flustered figure and pointing to the tip of his own nose.

"We should watch the grinch!", I suggested. "why do you wanna watch the grinch, if you can just look at yourself through the mirror?", Kotaro laughed before pouting as I hit his shoulder.


"do you really have to leave?", I asked Kotaro, holding his big hand in the two small ones I had and looking at him with puppy eyes. "ohh y/n you know I can't resist when you give me those eyes! but I really have to go..", he pouted, not wanting to leave either. "Will you come tomorrow though..?", I asked him with a small feeling of hope in my stomach. "I'll have to see, I don't know how long it'll take to do whatever is so important to my mom.."

"it's okay then... text me later though, 'kay?", I asked. "Of course!", He smiled before pulling me into a tight hug, resting his head on mine. "bye bye...", I pouted to him, as he left and waved through the window. I waved back and watched him leave.


I woke up at around 2 in the morning to my doorbell being rung loudly. "who the hell is here at two fucking in the morning", I mumbled as I got out of bed and put on one of Kotaro's hoodies that were laying nearest to me.

I walked down the stairs and looked through the peephole. I saw Kotaro standing there, tears running down his face and his eyes red and swollen. I didn't hesitate to open the door and right when I did, the door swung open wider and he embraced me in his arms.

he walked us both back a bit and closed the door with his foot. I felt my shoulder getting wet, as I stood there, still taking in what was happening.

I put my arms around him and stayed silent, letting him calm down. I knew he had immense mood swings, but I never saw him cry before, just pouting. "c'mon Kotaro, let's take off your jacket and shoes and then come in. we can talk whenever you're ready okay?", I said.

he didn't move so I took off his jacket for him. he kicked off his shoes before picking me up, walking me towards the bedroom, and laying down in it next to me, still holding on to me for dear life.

"What happened, dearie?", I asked him, rubbing circles on his back and stroking his hair. "m-my parents a-are getting d-divorced", He stuttered out before breaking down again and sobbing in my shoulder.

I had no words. I mean I already saw it coming but so soon? "oh ko..", was all I could say, while a few tears escaped my eyes as well.

we both laid there, crying as we held each other. not wanting to believe what had happened, but had to accept it.

after a while, the sobs had quiet down and I looked over to see that his eyes were closed. 'poor thing must have fallen asleep', I thought, as I snuggled myself deeper into him.

I softly placed a small kiss on his nose before saying a small 'good night' and falling into a deep slumber myself.

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