ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟛

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

"Ko... my head hurts, can you please get me some aspirin?", I asked Kotaro.

He jumped up. "baby we ran out, I'll go buy some new ones right now, are you craving anything right now? maybe some hot cocoa?", he asked.

I felt my eyes tear up. "I LOVE YOU!", I cried.

"I love you too, Baby!", He smiled, kissing my forehead," And I love you too!". He kissed my stomach, gave me one more smile before heading out the door.

I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap.


"Hi baby, I'm back.", He softly shook my body, stroking my hair and whispering.

I wiggled my body around so I was facing him and I saw him squatted down in front of me.

"HI BUB!", I beamed.

"Hi baby, were you sleeping?", He asked.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry for waking you. I'll place the pills on right here. do you want me to make you some food?", He asked.

"yes please, can we order sushi?", I asked. "Of course! I really wanted sushi too!", He smiled.

"I'll call the sushi place right now! you want the usual?", He asked, taking out his phone from his pocket.

I hummed in response and he left the room to order and make me some hot cocoa.

every day of the pregnancy was different. sometimes I had bad mood swings and morning sickness, and on other days I felt energetic and craved the weirdest food combinations.

Kotaro was extremely caring, almost acting like a protective mother. He always got ready to walk to the store or make me my favorite food to please my cravings.

I even saw that he had googled how to cook food for beginners. I asked him about it and he said that he wanted to be able to help out as much as he could so he signed up for cooking classes.


I noticed how my baby bump had started to grow and stretch marks started to appear.

I felt highly insecure about them. I knew there was no reason to be insecure, since Kotaro had always treated my body it was from a goddess, but I just couldn't help it.

I was looking in the mirror at my belly when Kotaro came in.

"Hello you two!", He smiled.

He noticed the frown on my face.

"what's wrong baby owl?", He asked.

"My stretch marks are ugly! look at them!", I said, pointing at the largest one on the lower side of my stomach.

"Nonsense! your stretch marks are so beautiful! It's a reminder of what you're going through! pregnancy! baby, everyone gets stretch marks once they're pregnant, there's nothing to be ashamed of! they look beautiful! no, wait I worded that wrong... they're breathtaking.", He said.

He turned me around, carefully of course, and got on his knees.

"Hi baby boy, mommy isn't feeling that well, so don't give her a hard time, Okay? You're going to be a very strong, handsome man once you grow up, I know it! you have to promise me that you'll treat your future girlfriend, or boyfriend, like the king or queen they are, no matter what their body type is. can you promise me that?", Kotaro said, talking to my stomach as if he had a whole conversation with the small, baby boy that was growing in my stomach.

after a few seconds, I felt a slight kick.

"KO! HE KICKED!", I said.

I saw tears form in Kotaro's eyes.

"baby owl... It's like he PROMISED to take care of his future significant other! he promised me!", He said happily.

He kissed my stomach in every place possible, complimenting the baby, me, and my stretch marks on the way.


"Ko my fingers are slightly swelling up, my ring won't fit anymore.", I pouted.

"As soon as you're giving birth, that'll go away.", Kotaro reassured me.

"Also, do you think I can bring one of your hoodies when I'm giving birth?", I asked.

"Why are you even asking that? of course!", He beamed.

"well there might get some blood on it, or sweat...", I said.

"I can always clean it. we should get a bag ready. you know... when your water breaks, we can take it to the hospital so we don't have to rush and grab our stuff", Kotaro suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea", I said.

I grabbed a few shirts, underwear, and one of Kotaro's hoodies, and put them in a bag.

"Are you coming to bed soon, baby owl?", I heard Kotaro ask.

"Yeah, yeah", I smiled.

I lay down next to Kotaro and held his hand in mine.

"you look so gorgeous, baby owl.", He said, giving me soft kisses all over my head.

"you never fail to give me butterflies in my stomach every single day", He giggled before finally pecking my lips.

I fell asleep, with my loving husband next to me, while he whispered sweet nothings to me.


"k-ko, my water broke!", I said on the phone.

I heard Kotaro yell something to his teammates that I could hear clearly.

"Don't worry baby owl, I'm on my way back home right now, I'll be there in 5", He hurriedly said.

I looked at the soaked bedsheets and slightly felt guilty.

after a few minutes, I heard the door downstairs swing open and footsteps running up the stairs.

"Come, I got the car parked right in front of the door, I'll take you to the car, grab the bag, and then drive us to the hospital, okay?", He asked.

I nodded and he held my hand and wrapped his other arm around my shoulders so I could lean on him.

We got into the car and he quickly sent texts to both of our parents and closest friends.

we drove to the hospital and he helped me out of the car.


the nurses helped me get into the bed and attached some weird appliances to me.

the contractions were hurting badly.

Kotaro was there by my side and held my hand tightly, wiping away some droplets of sweat that had formed on my head or giving me water when I needed it.

the midwife told me exactly how I needed to push, what to do when needed.

nurses around me kept checking up on me to see if I was still doing okay.

the rest was all a blur. it hurt but I kept going. Kotaro was with me the whole time, not leaving once, even if he had to go to the restroom.

after many rough hours, I heard small cries coming from in front of me.

The midwife wrapped a small, soft towel around the tiny body and placed the little boy in my arms.

Kotaro scooted close to me and kissed my temple.

"Kenji... Y/n don't you think that name is kinda cute? it suits him.", Kotaro asked.

"It's perfect.", I smiled.

I felt so tired, so I gave the baby to Kotaro.

"Now I have two, beautiful, pretty, and handsome, Baby owls.", Kotaro smiled, a small tear rolling down his cheek.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now