ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

The rest of the test week went by quickly, as I had a good feeling about all of my tests. I was walking to school for morning practice. I really mist the girls and was excited to play.

I opened the doors to the gym and entered. I was the first one there, so I filled up the water bottles, set up the net, and put on my knee pads and gym shoes, as I had secretly walked around on my socks, sliding over the smooth gym floor.

I walked around a bit, but my shoes didn't feel right. no, they weren't too small, I mean I could still wear them with some leftover space two weeks ago...

I kept thinking about what wasn't right but couldn't put my finger on it.

Kotaro already was practicing, since he got in trouble with his coach for being late the last time they had practice.

after a while, the girls stumbled inside one by one, and when we finally were finally complete, I started doing warm-up exercises with the girls.


we were playing a small match with each other. my shoe still didn't feel right, but I didn't pay any more attention to it.

Naima set the ball to Izumi, who spiked the ball to our side. Saori tried to block the strong spik but failed and hit the ground.

the guys' practice was already finished and they were watching our little match.

after we scored a few points, Naima had her hands on the ball again, tossing the ball to Izumi again. Aratani tried to block it but she failed as well. Izumi's spikes were extremely strong.

I didn't want to lose another point and I was about to dive for the ball. I stuck out my foot and stepped it firmly on the ground, but I should've checked out the sole better because it broke off.

my foot made a weird turn and I heard my ankle snap. at that moment, I lost the ability to breathe and the feeling of pain gushed over me.

I fell down with a loud thud and didn't get on time to dig up the ball. I felt so much pain at that moment but didn't wanna worry anyone.

I heard some gasps and saw my coach standing up. "N-no it's okay! I'm fine!", I reassured them. I got up and looked down at my foot.

"Captain, I have some extra shoes you can use!", Saori said. "would you like to use them for a while, until you get new ones?", she offered."yes that would be nice thank you!", I smiled at her.

I was about to walk away from the court, to go with Saori. All eyes were still on me, which made me slightly uncomfortable.

when I placed my painful foot down, it snapped again and made me lose my balance. I tried to regain it but it didn't matter, as I was back on the ground within a few seconds.

I grabbed my ankle as I heard people run towards me. "Y/N!" "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!", the voices of people were heard.

"EVERYBODY GIVE HER SPACE!", the coach yelled. the girls moved to the side and my coach squatted down in front of me.

she placed her hand on different places of my ankle, slightly squeezing it. when she put her hand underneath my foot, to carefully turn it around, a sharp pain stung through my body.

I didn't care anymore, as a horribly loud scream left my lungs, expressing how much pain I was in.

I slapped my hands to my mouth, to stop myself from yelling even more, as tears started to roll down my cheek. I saw Kotaro running towards me and he kneeled down next to me.

"Kotaro, can you take her to the nurses' office?", My coach asked him.

he nodded and scooped me up in his arms. he was carrying me bridal style.

I felt lucky that it was still early and there weren't many people around but when we entered the halls, I saw the eyes of other students fall on the sight of Kotaro carrying me.

tears were still rolling down my cheeks, as I buried my head in Kotaro's chest to hide the embarrassment.


we made it to the nurses' office soon and opened the door. "put her on the bed please", the school nurse demanded, seeing the painful expression written on my face.

"it looks badly fractured, no sports for at least two weeks. after that, be careful with it.", she said as she examined my ankle. I groaned let my head fall back.

"you can go home if you want to, make sure to rest up", she said. I softly nodded before Kotaro knelt down in front of me, offering me a piggyback ride.

I carefully hopped on his back, hissing at the sudden movement of my injured ankle. Kotaro gently opened the door and walked us both out of there.

I placed my head on his shoulder, as we made our way back to the girls' gym, to the bad news.

we opened the door and we were met with many pairs of worried-looking eyes. "are you okay? what did she say?", Naima asked, probably looking the most worried out of all people in the room.

"just fractured, also I can't play for two weeks.", I groaned. "I'm taking her home now, so you guys better not be late to class", Kotaro said to the boys that were still in our gym.


"shouldn't you walk a bit faster? You still have classes", I said, making small braids in his hair, as he carried me back home.

"fuck school, I'm skipping this once", he said. "OH HELL NO YOU'RE NOT!", I yelled. "But I need to take care of you!", he looked at me over his shoulder, pouting. "but you can always come after school, you can't miss any more classes!", I argued back.

"well you can't make me!", he huffed and kept on walking to my house.

after a short walk, we made it back to my house. Kotaro opened the door, which was still unlocked.

"What did I tell you about locking your door?", he said in an intimidating tone. I gulped at the sudden change. "T-to lock it-t", I stuttered out. "Good!", he smiled and went inside.

He placed me on the couch and went into the kitchen. he later came back with some snacks and drinks. "Ko, you know it's still early in the morning?", I asked him, as he opened a bag of gummy bears.

"sow what, itws nweverw twoo eawrly fowr cwandwy!", He said, with a mouthful. "what did you say?", I laughed. "It's. never. too. early. for. snacks.", he repeated in a robotic voice and laughed with me.

he offered me the bag of candy, telling me to eat some to feel better faster.

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