ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

It was now Sunday morning, late in the morning. I had woken up a while ago and Kotaro was still asleep, snuggled in my arms, and holding me close to him. it was around 11 A.M. and I decided to ask him if he wanted some breakfast.

I soft shook his body. "Hey, ko. would you like some breakfast?", I whispered in a sweet and soft tone. He looked at me with tired, red eyes and slightly nodded.

"do you want some eggs and bacon or pancakes? maybe both?", I asked him, stroking his hair. "Just pancakes are fine", He said with the most vulnerable voice I've ever heard from him.

"do you want breakfast in bed or do you wanna come with me downstairs?", I asked him the last thing I needed to know.

he said he wanted to come along with me so we both got up. I noticed I was still wearing his hoodie but he didn't seem to mind.

"is it okay if I sit on the counter and just watch? maybe you can teach me how to make them?", he carefully asked. "of course Ko, you never have to ask that. though I'm kinda curious why you want me to teach you how to make pancakes?", I asked him softly. "Because I want to be able to do something for you as well!", He said, looking me in the eyes with a serious look.

I walked around the counter and hugged him tightly. "Ko... you've already done enough for me!", I said as he hugged me back tightly. "well I don't feel like I'm there for you as much as you are for me..", he replied.

"well that may be true, but you need someone to be there with you right now. I don't. But you have always been there for me. Who was the person that would sneak out in the middle of the night to buy me pads and snacks? who was the person that would rub my tummy when I had bad cramps every month? you, Kotaro. I'm very grateful for everything you have done for me so don't even think about it in a different way!", I said, tightening the hug. "If that's how you think about it then I won't think about it differently", He said.

"Now, let's go make some pancakes.", I said. I took his hand and made some room for him to sit on the counter.

I put the ingredients in a bowl and wrote down the recipe so he could take it home. I put it in one of his pockets and gave him a bright smile. "should I go and set the table?", he asked. "Oh, no need. I can do that", I said, but he ignored me and was already grabbing utensils and plates. I smiled to myself and continued the baking.


I placed a small stack of pancakes on a plate and placed them in front of Kotaro. he smiled at me as in saying 'thank you' and dug in.

It was pretty silent while eating breakfast, but comfortable silence. Kotaro was today surprisingly calm. 'is he still feeling sad or is he just silent? what's going on?', I thought. Kotaro always was able to read but today I wasn't able to make out how he was feeling.

"how are you feeling, Ko?", I carefully asked him. "I felt like crap, I still do. But you made me feel happier", He said with a sad smile on his face.

I flushed red but didn't hide my face like usual, I happily smiled back, just the same way he always does to me. that happy, cheerful smile.


"Y/niieeeeeeee~ I'm bored", Kotaro exclaimed. "Well I'm sorry bu I need to finish this.", I said, as I was working on one of my school projects that my teacher assigned us to do. "can you teach me how to play the piano?!", He asked.

"Ko, I would absolutely love to, but I have to finish this.", I pouted. I really wanted to teach Kotaro the piano, since I have been playing and learning new pieces for many years now. "PLEASSSEEEEEE?????", he whined. "FINE!", I huffed.

We both walked to the piano that was standing in the living room and both sat down on the small stool that stood in front of it. He started just pressing random keys before I took his hand away and placed on the c.

I explained him a small song that he would be able to do and he was playing it. after he finished playing he had a grin on his face that almost reached his ears. "Y/N I DID IT!!!!", he yelled, smiling brightly. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU KO!!", I yelled back, hugging him tightly.

Ko and I sat on the small stool together for hours, he just listening to me playing and going on and on about different pianists and pieces I wanted to learn in the future.

Bokuto's P.O.V.♥︎

'waaahhhhh she's so cuteee!!', I thought to myself as she kept on talking and talking about piano stuff. I didn't understand a single thing that she said but I didn't mind. I just loved hearing her voice. she sounds so happy. 'she looks absolutely stunning'


after Y/n and I hung out all day, like we do almost every day, I decided that I wanted to go home and be there for my mom. I knew this was hard on her, being cheated on by the love of your life, so I wanted to help her out.

"thank you so much, Y/n! I'll text you later!", I said, as I engulved her in one of my bear hugs. I heard her giggle in my chest which gave me butterflies. I hid my face in her messy hair and the smell of fresh flowers flowed through my nose.

I kissed the top of her head, before waving a small bye and heading out. 'did. I. Just. Kiss. Her?! OMGOMGOMG GWAAAAAHHHH I'M SO STUPID', I thought as I mentally facepalmed myself.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now