ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

it has been a few days since I developed my injury and it still hurts very much. Kotaro had told his mom that he was staying at my place for a while, to help me out, even though I said I didn't need it.

"Ko, Can you run me a bath or turn on the shower for me? I feel gross and sticky", I said. "Of course!", he said as he sprinted up the stairs, tripping over his own feet while doing so.  I laughed at his adorable actions while getting ready for him to carry me upstairs.

he soon came back down and carried me upstairs. Kotaro left the room and I undressed myself.

'uhmm, Ko?", I asked.

the door carefully opened. "do you need anything?", he asked me back. "well... I can't get into the tub...", I said embarrassedly.

the door opened and Kotaro walked in. I turned my back towards him so he could help me better, and not see my breasts.

"stick your arms out so I can lift you up", he said. I did as he said and he carefully picked me up and placed me in the tub. "just yell when you're done", he said sweetly, ruffling my hair before he walked out.

Bokuto's P.O.V.♥︎

When I got down the stairs, I did a small dance. I was so happy that she trusts me enough for me to see her naked AND I got to see her absolutely, drop-dead GORGEOUS body.

I kinda felt like a pervert while being happy that I saw her naked but I just couldn't help it!

I felt my phone ring in my pocket, so I picked up to hear my mothers' sweet voice.

"Hi, dear! I know you're probably busy now but could you please take my car to the drive-through car wash? I bet Y/n would like that", she said. "of course, We'll come and pick it up later!", I beamed.

"Okay, thank you, dear! there is some money in the car door left, go take her for some MacDonalds or something", she said. "THANK YOU MOM!", I said back and hung up the phone.

"KO!! CAN YOU HELP ME OUT??", I heard the beautiful girl, known as Y/n, yell from the bathroom. "COMING!"


I finished Helping Y/n out of the tub and told her about the plans of going through the car wash and to MacDonalds afterward. she looked very happy.

"I'm gonna run home really quick and I'll pick you up with her car right after, okay?", I asked her. "OKAY!!! WAAAAAHHHH I'M SO EXCITED!!!", she said. I laughed at her cute human being and went home at the speed of light.

I soon got back to Y/n's house and put her in the passenger seat. I knew she's never been through a car wash so seeing her all excited made me very happy.


we soon made it to the car wash and we were blasting songs and screaming out the lyrics that belonged to it.

Y/n looked her eyes out when we drove through the car wash.

"Y/n U planning to join me more often to go here?", I asked. "WELL- DUH! THIS IS FUN!", she beamed. we both laughed and soon made it out of the wash.

"We're going to MacDonalds now", I said.

the girl looked at me wide-eyed and smiled, nodding her head excitedly.

"Welcome to MacDonalds, what can I get for you?", the person asked when we were at the MacDonalds drive through.

Kotaro said our orders and we drove to the next window to pay. Kotaro handed the cashier the money and drove to get our food.

"wanna go somewhere where we can eat our food in peace?", I asked. "yea, that'd be nice", she smiled.

I drove both of us to a pretty sight where you could see the whole city. we both ate our food in silence, a comfortable one.

" I HAVE A FREE EXTRA CHICKEN NUGGET!", She yelled out of nowhere, scaring me. "LOOK!", She showed me the extra mugged and giggled. "do you want it, Ko?", she asked.

before I could respond, she had already dipped the nugget in some sauce and shoved it into my mouth.

she laughed at my shocked face before turning her head back to the sunset that was spread around the sky in front of us.


"you have something on your face, Ko", she pointed out. "where?", I asked. "come here", she demanded. I lowered my face, not turning my face towards her and still looking at the sky.

I suddenly felt two, soft lips against the corner of my mouth. My eyes widened and I heard the girl next to me laugh. "you're blushingggg~", she said in a teasing voice.

I tried to hide my face from her but it didn't work. "your ears are even red! cute...", she mumbled the last part but it was still clear enough for me to hear.

"oh so you think I'm cute?", I said, smirking.

she grabbed my face and squished it together. "ahwww yes it is,'baby owl'", she teased, poking my cheek and imitated my voice. I blushed once again, making her laugh even more.

"let's go down the hill there, can you see that small beach area? we can take a picture and pretend that we're at sea!", She said. "sure!!", I smiled at her.

we got out of the car and I piggybacked Y/n down the hill.

we got out of the car and I piggybacked Y/n down the hill

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