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Bokuto's P.O.V.♥︎

it was at around 2 AM at the time I was walking on the dark streets, breathing in the fresh air, as I am on my way to Y/n's house. I was very bored and couldn't sleep because of my parents.

My parents haven't had the best relationship these past days, spending all the time they had together arguing about random stuff. It really irritated me that my days weren't normal like they used to be: having fun, and playing board games together or watching movies. Also, dinner in the evening isn't normal either. only silence.

I spend most of my days together with Y/n, just like always, she's always there for me like she always had been.


I could already see the familiar house at the end of the street I was walking on. 'I don't want to ring the doorbell, her parents are probably already asleep', I thought.

I made my way over to the gate to their backyard and climbed over it. I let myself fall to the ground and walked over to the tree that had a large branch to Y/n's window.

I was climbing in the tree and saw that the lights to Y/n's room were switched on. I walked over the branch as it got smaller and smaller, but I made it to the window safe, knowing the branch well and were small pits were, so I wouldn't slip.

I pulled on the window and slide it open. "hey Ko, want a cookie?", the well known, angelic voice in the room said. "well duh", I said as I got into the room, closing the window and walking over to my crush- I mean friend.

when my eyes got used to the light, I was welcomed with the most adorable sight I've had ever seen: Y/n wrapped up in a blanket burrito, eating cookies. I walked closer to her and while I did that, she opened the blanket for me.

we didn't even need to speak, we already knew what was going on in each others' minds and what we would do. I sat next to her on the bed and wrapped the blanket burrito around both of us again.

"were they fighting again?", she asked, not moving her head from the screen. I simply nodded and laid my head on her shoulder. she placed her head on mine and handed me a cookie. I opened my mouth and pointed my index finger to it. "geez you're such a baby...", she softly said, placing the cookie in my mouth, before placing her head back on mine. "well I'm your baby, mom", I replied, making her chuckle.

"Anyway, why aren't you asleep yet, young lady?", I asked. "well- I couldn't sleep and I was watching this anime before I went to bed and I wanted to watch it and apparently forgot the time. it must be late since you cam in through the window", she said, probably looking outside since I felt her head move to the window.

"can we build a fort?", I asked her. "I thought you'd never ask", she said, gently getting off of me before jumping up and moving over to her closet and grabbing pillows.

I wrapped a piece of blanket on the bed, while Y/n had grabbed a few chairs from her, and I assumed the living room and placed them next to the mattress that I had laid out on the ground. "I have to go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back.", Y/n said, walking out of the room.

I soon got a reply from Kuroo that said:"way to go brokuto"

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I soon got a reply from Kuroo that said:"way to go brokuto".

I almost threw my phone across the room when I heard the door open and saw Y/n walking insinde. "U good?", she asked confused. "y-yea of course! why wouldn't I be..", I replied stuttering.

she ignored me and got into the fort. I followed her and laid down. the way I laid down was kind of uncomfortable so I just placed my head in Y/n's lap while she was sitting with her back against the bed.

"so what are we going to watch?", she asked. "can we watch mean girls?", I asked. "oeh~ say less".

we started watching mean girls and she played with my hair until I heard her groan. "what's wrong?", I asked her, removing my head out of her lap. "I just had a cramp..", she said. she pointed at her stomach, and I knew right away she was on her period. "wanna cuddle?", I asked her. she nodded and got in a comfortable position.

I was now spooning her. ' c'mon kotaro, you've cuddled her many times, just control yourself!', I thought to mysels, trying to compose my hormones.

I laid my head on top of hers and gently slid my hands underneath her hoodie, rubbing her belly. this was completely normal for the both of us since I did this more often. I only had no idea why it felt so weird but right this time...

 I only had no idea why it felt so weird but right this time

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(A/n: this is what you guys looked like)

y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

Bokuto was cuddled up against me, rubbing circles on my stomach like he always did. 'oh how happy I am that he can't see my face', I thought, as I felt a blush crawl onto my face. yes, indeed we did this many times but I think it's so adorable every time he does things like this!

Knowing Kotaro was next to me made me feel very safe.

we both fell asleep together, enjoying each other comany.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now