ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

"Y/nnnn I don't want to study anymoreeee~", Kotaro whined. we were now a month back in school and our first test week was coming up. I knew Kotaro was struggling so I decided to take h im home with me and to study together.

"Ko, I know it's Friday and we had practice, but test week is Monday and you haven't even started yet! you're going to fail if we don't do this!", I said. "can I at least take a shower at your place?", he asked. "Of course, we're gonna have dinner first, might order some pizza, I'm too lazy to cook", I said, to which Kotaro smiled.

"y/n...?", He said in such a tone that he always uses when he wants something. "Yes, Ko?", I replied.

"Can I please take a bath instead of a shower, use one of your bath bombs, and can you rub that conditioner that I always use when I'm with you in my hair..?", He asks.

"yes you can, but can't you do that yourself?", I asked. "I mean- well yes but, IT FEELS GOOD WHEN YOU DO IT_", He yelled. " SHUSH NO NEED TO YELL!", I said back. "Okay fine I will, only if you let me shower first then and if you cover up your manhood", I reasoned. "I WILL!", he said, hugging me tightly. "I-I, It's okay Ko", I said smiling.


I just had finished showering and I had put on some sweat pants and a sports bra. "KO, COME UP HERE! I'M GOING TO PUT THE BATH BOMB IN!", I screamed.

not even a second later, I hear loud and quick footsteps rushing up the stairs, and I see Kotaro in the opening of the door, smiling brightly.

"CAN I DROP IT IN THE WATER?!", he asked happily. "I wanted to do that...", I pouted, to which he pouted as well. "why not do it together?!", I beamed. "HEYHEYHEYYYYYY THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA!!", he yelled.

we both held into the bath bomb, him standing behind me and looking over my head. We both let go of the bomb and as soon as it hit the water, it started to sizzle, and all kinds of pretty colors spread through the water. Kotaro and I both stared at the bomb as it floated through the tub.

"Ko, get in the tub and yell when you want me to wash your hair", I said as I pressed the button so the tub would turn into a bubble bath. "OKAY!", he said, as he threw off his shirt, revealing his broad shoulders and toned abs. "K-KO! I'M STILL HERE!", I yelped. "so? you've seen me shirtless many times", he said confused. I felt myself get all red, I quickly pulled myself together. "Yea you're right, I'll go order the pizzas!", I said as I ran out of the bathroom.


"okay thank you!", I said, before hanging up the phone. "KO, PIZZA WILL BE HERE IN 20 MINUTES!!", I yelled from down the stairs. "OH Y/N CAN YOU HELP NOW??", he asked.

I walked up the stairs and carefully opened the door. I peeked inside and saw Bokuto sitting with his back turned to me as he looked at me over his shoulder, smiling as brightly as usual. "Hi there!!", he smiled. "Wow you're really excited, aren't you?", I giggled. "OF COURSE I AM!", he beamed.

I went behind him and sat down on my knees. "Can I lay my head against you?", he innocently asked me. In response, I carefully pulled his head against my chest to which he groaned and grabbed the bottle of conditioner.

"do your muscles ache?", I asked him. "yea, practice has been pretty rough these few days", he replied.

I opened the bottle of conditioner and put some on my hand. I started to spread the conditioner in his hair, as he just closed his eyes and completely relaxed. "does this feel good?", I asked him softly, not trying to break him out of his 'trance'. "oh yeah it does", he replied. I smiled and after rinsed his hair.

"do you want to put on a face mask?", I asked him. after he got out and put on some boxers. "OH YES PLEASE!", he beamed. I got a peel-off mask and sat down on the small counter next to the sink. "can you bow down a little? I'm not as tall as you, you know?", I laughed.

he obeyed and bowed down a little. I was very concentrated, not trying to get the mask in his mouth and eyes. "you know, you look cute when you're trying to focus", he suddenly said. I made eye contact with him and blinked a few times. "you're eyes are also very pretty!", he smiled. "Thank you, Ko", I smiled at him.

after I put a mask on his face, I put some on mine as well. just when I was finished, the doorbell rang. "PIZZA IS HERE!!!!", Kotaro and I both yelled and ran down the stairs together. "Let me pay, Y/n", He said.

before I could reply, he had already opened the door and handed the pizza guy his money. the pizza guy laughed at the sight of Kotaro. "did your girlfriend drag you into that?", he joked in a kind and playful manner. "haha yea she did, but it feels oh- so nicely!", Kotaro replied.

I stood there as the two boys conversed. I just went into the kitchen to get the plates and I set the table in front of the tv. when I was finished, the two guys were still talking. "Ko, you coming? I already set the table", I smiled sweetly at him, not trying to sound rude to the pizza guy. "Yes I'll be there in a bit", he replied.

"wow, you're one lucky guy, dude", he said before handing Kotaro his pizza and walking back to his car. "why didn't you correct him when he said girlfriend?", I asked him out of curiosity. "no need to correct him, he probably wouldn't have believed me", he nervously said, scratching the back of his neck. I smiled at him.

"Now let's open these boxes", I said as I heard my stomach grumble. we both laughed and ate our meals.

 we both laughed and ate our meals

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