ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟚

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

it had been a few weeks since Kotaro became my boyfriend and we went on our date.

Tomorrow was my big day and I was turning 18. Kotaro was at my house doing whatever and I was just laying on the couch, reading from a book my parents gifted me.

out of nowhere, I felt a heavy weight being put on me.

out of curiosity, I looked up and saw my sweet and loving boyfriend, curled up in a blanket, laying on my chest. his hair was slightly wet and he didn't style it.

"Are you okay, baby?", I asked slightly worried when he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"my goldfish died!", He said as he burst out in tears. I gave him comforting pets on his back and small kisses all over his face.

I wiped his tears and hugged him close to me.

"We can get you a new fish?", I asked him. "NO I'LL LET HIM DIE AGAINNNN", he sobbed. "what happened that made him die?", I asked him, holing his face and wiping his tears away.

"I forgot to feed him for many days!", He said as he broke down again. I wanted to burst out laughing but he really looked sad so I chuckled and gave him another kiss on his forehead.

"my mom already flushed it down the toilet!", he cried. "I'm sorry ko", I said stroking my hand up and his back.

soon it became quiet and I looked down to see him sleeping on top of me. I smiled and kissed his head once more before returning to my book while playing with his hair.


"Y/n? Is it okay if I leave for a bit to go and buy something?", Kotaro asked. "Of course, no need to ask me", I smiled. he smiled back and kissed my nose.

Bokuto's P.O.V.♥︎

I put on my jacket and shoes, grabbed my wallet, and made my way out of the house, yelling one last bye to my dear, beautiful extremely loving girlfriend.

every time I think about her, my heart skips a beat and I suddenly get all warm on the inside.

'Kinda silly that I just realized that I liked her when I've known her for so long.', I thought, making me slightly chuckle.

Tomorrow was her birthday so I went to the nearby store to buy some cake, a nice bouquet of her favorite flowers and some chocolates, in her favorite flavor of course.

I knew she would be extremely angry if I bought something too expensive and I knew she would enjoy this, so it was perfect!

after I arrived at the florist, I told the lady working there that I needed a big bouquet of flowers and if it was possible to write a note with it.

I wrote a sweet note and pointed to some pretty flowers that I knew she would like.

"Your girlfriend is very happy to have someone like you. have a wonderful day, sir!", the lady said, waving me off after I paid.

"Thank you so much! you too, ma'am!", I replied, giving her a polite smile.

I then quickly bought some of her favorite candy and walked home. "MOM I NEED HELP!", I screamed through the house.

"WHAT? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!", She yelled, rushing down the stairs.

"No, but could you help me, wrap presents?", I smiled. She playfully hit my shoulder before saying yes and helping me out.

"So, what are you planning to do for her?", She asked while wrapping the presents. "I was planning to go to her house when I know she is asleep, I'll either sneak in or secretly steal one of her house keys. then I'll put the bouquet on the kitchen table and hide the other gifts in places where I know she'll find it soon, so she has a little game finding them.", I explained.

"You're so sweet! when is the wedding?", She asked, winking at me. "why does everyone say that?", I confusedly said out loud.

She put the flowers in some water and I went back to Y/n's house.

when I entered her house I saw her asleep on the couch, laying underneath the banket that I wrapped around her, and her book laying on top of her face.

I chuckled and grabbed my phone to take a picture. 'I guess I found my new background!', I thought.

it was already starting to get dark outside so I decided to make us both some dinner, and yes, I know a few dishes to make.

I made some soup and pancakes and walked over to her once they were finished.

I put the food down on the side table and placed my hand on her cheek.

"baby owll~ wake up ", I said. her eyelids slowly opened and she smiled. "Hi Ko"

"I made us some dinner!", I said. she shot up wide-eyed, looking at the kitchen. "Hey, I'm not that bad of a cook!", I said.

"Sorry sorry!", She laughed as she sat up to make some room for me. I sat down next to her and carefully handed her the soup.

she took a sip and she looked at me. "Ko, you need to give me this recipe! It's delicious!", she said out of shock.

"Told you!", I smiled. she kissed my cheek. "Yes you did!", she said.

we ate the food and cuddled for a bit more until I went back home.


it was now 3 in the morning and I had been able to snatch one of the keys from her. I silently waved my mom goodbye, who was helping me take the flowers out of the vase, without ruining them or dropping the vase.

"Bye sweetheart!", she whisper yelled once I opened the door to go outside. I waved back and walked towards Y/n's house.

I didn't take the car so she wouldn't wake up.

I opened the door to her house, surprised that she actually locked it, and put the flowers in a vase on the kitchen table.

I put the other things in some drawers, fridge, couch, shoe rack.

I still had some things left so I softly walked up the stairs. of course, the stairs decided to be squeaky when it wasn't supposed to be but I didn't mind.

I opened the door to her room and to my luck her closet and bathroom door were still open, making it easier for me to open them.

I put some things in the cupboards, her closet on top of her favorite hoodie I knew she'd be wearing, and her nightstand.

I kissed her head and took off my clothes. I laid next to her and she immediately turned herself around to cuddle me.

I placed soft kisses on her head from time to time and soon fell asleep as well.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now