ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟙

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

it was now the first of January. I woke up early in my bed, surrounded by blankets and a tall owl looking man, who was now my boyfriend officially.

I was so happy and very excited about everything that was going to happen in the future.

I carefully grabbed my phone, trying not to wake Kotaro up, and saw I had many missed calls and text messages from my teammates, especially Naima.

I gave Kotaro a quick kiss on his nose, before wiggling out of his grip to go downstairs and make breakfast.

As soon as I got downstairs, my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone to see who and laughed a little when I saw it was Naima. I picked it up.

"BITCHBITCHBITCHOHMYFUCKINGGOD!", She yelled so quickly that I didn't even understand what she was saying.

"What did you say-", I asked.



"NONSENSE! I'M GONNA BE A MAID OF HONOUR!!!", she yelled. I could hear some vague footstep noises in the background and her door being swung open.

"SHUT THE HELL UP IT'S 7 IN THE MORNING! oh Hi Y/n!", Naima's sweet and caring mother said.

"YEAH YEAH SORRY MOM!", Naima quickly said, "well, tell me! what happened?!"

"Okay okay, sit down, you're in for a long story.", I said, laughing. "Wait, wanna facetime real quick?", I asked.

I soon got the notification for a facetime call and immediately accepted.

"Bitch tell me everything!", She beamed.

I told her everything that happened and we were both laughing and squealing like little girls who finally got a lollipop.


"dude you're literally dating Oikawa-"

"STILLLLLLL!", She whined.

I laughed at her.

"Hey hey hey, baby owl!", Kotaro suddenly said, hugging me from behind, shirtless, slightly startling me.

"Don't tell you've done the nasty already this soon-", Naima said.

"N-NO WE HAVEN'T U BAKA!", I stuttered out.

"Hi Naima-san", Kotaro greeted her.

"I'm going to take a shower real quick", Kotaro said, kissing my cheek and moving away from me.

"Yo, He's hot-"

"oh shut up"


Kotaro and I already had eaten breakfast and it already was around 12 P.M.

"what are we going to do today?", I asked Kotaro.

"I don't knowww, I'm Bored though.", he replied.

it was silent for a while until I saw Kotaro's eyes light up.


I ran upstairs to put on a comfortable outfit. "BABEEEE WE'RE GOING TO WALK TO MY HOUSE AND TAKE MY MOMS CAR, OKAY?", Kotaro yelled from downstairs. "OKAY!".

'gwaaaahhhh he called me babe!', I thought, as I ran down the stairs.

"let's go!", I smiled.

Kotaro grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. we walked to Kotaro's house and got inside the car.

Once we sat down, he put his hand on my thigh and we drove off.


"Y/N I'M SOSOSOSO EXCITED!", Kotaro yelled once we arrived. "ME TOO- WAAAAHH LOOK AT THAT ROLLERCOASTER!", I said, pointing to a high rollercoaster in the distance.

I pulled Kotaro towards the long line to the rollercoaster and took out a bottle of water that I filled up earlier when we were still at home.

"want some?", I asked him, as I saw him staring at the bottle. he nodded and I gave him the bottle.

"WHOA SLOW DOWN I WANT SOME TOO-", but it was already too late and he drank all the water. "You're going to fill it again later", I said while rolling my eyes. he giggled and we line started moving a bit.

"look! I see the cart already", I pointed out.

soon it was our turn and we sat down all the way in the back. the cart started to move and it got darker and darker the farther we got into the ride.

I was feeling very excited and turned to Kotaro, who seemed surprisingly quiet. "U okay babe?", I asked. He grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it.

"I-I'm f-fine-", He stuttered but got interrupted by my loud scream as we dropped down.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH Y/N I DON'T LIKE THIS AUHFDVKEJFNK!",Kotaro yelled, as I just laughed at him.


"BAHAHAHHAHA YOUR REACTION WAS GOLD!", I laughed while holding my stomach as we walked out of the ride.

"...Not funny", He pouted, his hair deflating a bit. "C'mon I'll buy us some icecream!", I said, making his eyes sparkle.

"HEY HEY HEYYYY THANK YOU BABY OWL!", He yelled, hugging me and kissing my forehead, before taking my hand and pulling me towards a small icecream stand in the distance.

we soon got our flavers and sat down on a bench and ate it.

"where are we going next?", I asked him. "we can go to the other rollercoasters or one of the water rides?", He suggested. "okay", I beamed.

we got up and walked to the water ride first.

"Ko, we're going to get wet if we sit next to each othe-", I tried to say But Kotaro already pushed me inside the small boat. "So? that's fun!", He beamed.

I laughed it off.


we got completely soaked inside the ride but went on and got to ride all the rollercoasters. we also visited many of the foodstands, Kotaro buying almost buying everything he saw.

"Y/nniieee?", He started once we walked back to the car at the end of the day.

"Yes?", I replied.

"are you planning on doing something fun for your birthday?", Kotaro asked.

"Well, probably not, I'm not allowed to have a party but I don't really want to celebrate it.", I said.

"Whatever you want, but I'm coming over!", He beamed. "Sure", I said, getting on my tippy toes and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

he hid his face from me so I knew he was blushing. I decided to tease him a bit. "Look who's blushinggg~", I said, poking his cheek.

"Oh shush", He said, playfully glaring at me.

He grabbed my hand and we got inside the car.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now