ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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Bokuto's P.O.V.♥︎

I was walking in the small store that was upon the hill, getting some more drinks for Y/n and me.

I grabbed the last two that were there until a woman grabbed them out of my hands. "Excuse me, miss? I had those first", I said, grabbing the drinks from her. "HELP HE'S STEALING MY DRINKS!!", the crazy lady yelled.

a few moments later, one of the employees got to us and asked what the problem was. the employee told the lady to give me the drinks since he'd seen everything on the security cameras.

I got in line to pay but the line was very long. 'damn it, I feel like something is not well..', I thought.

the uneasy feeling kept growing and growing inside me until I finally could pay.

I paid for my stuff and walked back to where Y/n was supposed to be.

'What the-'

I saw a grown man, holding onto Y/n's arms, kissing her neck while she was crying and trying to get out of his grip.

"HEY, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!", I yelled, dropping the drinks and running over to the man.

I pushed him off Y/n and kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could, making him drop to the ground. I grabbed his hair and punched him multiple times in the face.


when he looked like he was out for a while, I felt my hands throbbing. I looked down and they were covered in my blood, together with the blood of the strange guy.

I looked over to Y/n, who was looking pale and shaking. "come here", I said on the verge of tears.

I opened my arms and she didn't hesitate to run towards me and embraced me.

she was sobbing into my shirt. I've never seen her cry this badly. I stood there, rubbing my hand on her back, slowly moving my hand up and down. My hand was stroking her hair. Y/n was breathing heavily while letting out sobs and violently shaking.

"shh, it's okay, I'm here now.

As long as you're with me, you'll be safe.

He can't do anything to you anymore when you're in my arms.", I comforted her.

She slowly started to calm down and she removed her head from my chest and looked up to me.

"h-he k-kissed me-e K-Ko", she stuttered out before breaking down once again. "I know, I saw it. I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier..", I apologized. she shook her head in my chest and looked up again. "It's okay, Ko, you're here now", she said.

"I'll stay with you for as long as you need, okay?", I said, cupping her cheek to wipe away some tears. I placed a comforting kiss on her forehead and took her small, shaking hand into mine, and getting ready to walk us back to her house.


we were now both walking back to y/n's house. I was still holding her hand while rubbing small circles on her thumb. both of us didn't speak a single word.

we eventually made it to her house and I grabbed the key that Y/n had handed to me while we were walking. I opened the door and let both of us inside.

"do you want me to run you a nice bath?", I asked Y/n, that was still looking pale. she nodded and I took her to the bathroom. "okay you just go and undress, I'll let the water run and then you can chill here. tell me when you want to get out, then I'll grab some of your clothes and put them in the dryer so you'll be warm", I said before gently pushed her back to her room so she had some privacy.

"breathtaking"~ K. Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now