ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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y/n's P.O.V.♥︎

the girls and I were in morning practice. this was the second week of school and so far, everything went by smoothly. the girls all got along, me and Ko spent much time together, made new friends.

I suddenly noticed that Kaede looked kinda down. 'is something wrong with her?', I thought.

"OI KAEDE!", I yelled from across the gym to get her attention. she flinched at the noise but looked in my direction. I waved her over and she jogged up to me. "U good?", I asked, handing her a water bottle so she could drink. "Y-yes, Y/n-s -senpai", she said, not making eye contact, while sitting down on the bench I was standing next to.

I made my way in front of her and squatted down to her eye level. "You promised me that you'd tell me when something was wrong, right?", I asked her. "y-yes s-senpai", she said, looking away from me again. "Kaede, look at me please", I softly said in a sweet tone. she obediently looked at me. "now let me ask you again, are you good?". this time she shook her head.

She swung her arms around me and burst into tears. I stayed quiet and softly rubbed her back, as she sobbed into my shoulder. I heard the gym door open and saw the boys' team walk in. Kotaro was walking in front and I shooed him away. "Naima, take care of the boys, please.", I ordered her.

"It's going to be okay. tell me what's going on.", I soft asked her when she'd calmed down a bit.

"t-there is t-this g-girls in my c-class. she said mean t-things t-to me.", she said, as she burst out into tears again.

the boys and Naima came back into the gym very quietly. "please Naime, tell the girls that they need to warm up with the guys", I said. Naime nodded and got everyone together.

"and what kind of mean things did she say?", I asked her, sitting down in front of her. "-she said t-that I'm a f-freak. t-that I d-don't d-deserve to b-be on the t-team and tha-t I-I am not w-worthy e-enough", she said.

"oh", was all I managed to say before I stood up and embraced her. she sobbed into my shirt and I softly patted her head. "I'm going to take matters into my own hands now. would you like some water?", I asked her and she nodded. I walked across the gym back to where the water bottles were kept and grabbed a new one.

I filled it up and handed it to her. "Thank you so much for telling me, I'm very proud of you. Is it okay, if I tell the others what has been going on? we will all support you. remember, we are your safe space.", I asked her. she nodded and I walked over to Naima, who was standing in a circle with everyone, introducing each other.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt but we have a problem.", I started. I had everyone's attention and I explained what had happened with Kaede and that other girl.

"How horrible!" "How can someone say something like that?!" "why would somebody do such a thing!", many people said. "Okay listen up!", I said, gaining everyone's attention. "I have an idea. I'm getting Kaede back to practice and I want you guys to praise her with every good play that she does, even when she messes up, praise her and maybe give her some advice with it, I'll handle that mean girl okay?", I said. They all nodded while some stuck up their thumbs.

"Ko, come with me and make her comfortable around you, you're good at that", I said, pulling the male captain along with me. "I know she eats lunch in her classroom with almost everyone from her class so I'm going to bring her a small snack and talk to the bitch who hurt her, please cheer her up with me okay?", I said. "Y-Yed y/n", Kotaro stuttered out, sounding kind of afraid.


Kotaro squatted down in front of her and smiled brightly at him. Kaede smiled back softly. "DO YOU WANNA PLAY WITH US?", Kotaro smiled. she nodded and I stuck out my hands for her to grab. we walked back to the group of teenagers and they all were very kind to her.


it was now lunch break and both teams sat at the same table, just talking with each other. "alright I'm going to Kaede's classroom and have a word with that mean girl.", I said, getting up and putting my stuff back into my bag. "I'm coming with you!!", Kotaro said. I nodded and went to the vending machine and got a small energy bar for her.

I made my way through the halls, greeting friends. when I got to the first year hallway, I got some weird stares. "why is a third-year here?" "Wow, she's pretty!". I smiled at the people and walked towards the open door of Kaede's class. I saw her sitting in the back, near the window. 'hmm, the girl has taste', I smiled to myself.

"Kaede!", I yelled through the room. she got flustered because of all the stares she got but smiled anyway. "Hi miss Tamaki!", I said, greeting my old teacher. "hello, Y/n", she smiled back at me. "Kaedeeeee!!!! I got you a small snack I thought you'd enjoy! also, I've sat at this table on the same spot myself a few years ago, you have taste!", I ruffled her hair, making her laugh.

I snatched an empty chair next to me and moved over to her table. "So who is the girl that said mean things to you?", I said. "are you here for that reason?", she said embarrassedly. "Yes, but also to see how you were doing! I care about my friends, and you are one of them so I gotta check up on you!", I smiled. "It's the girl sitting in front by the way", she said, pointing to a girl with long, blonde hair, who was sitting on the front row. "watch me", I said.

"Hi miss Tamaki, you see that girl with the blonde hair has been bullying my friend, is it okay if I talk to her?", I whispered to miss Tamaki. "Teach her your lesson, y/n, you know what I think about bullies!", she winked at me. I grinned at her and made my way over to the girl.

"Hi omg I loooooove your hair, it's so pretty!", I fakely said. I looked at Kotaro, who was now standing in the door opening. "t-thank you s-senpai!", she stuttered. "But that's not what I'm here for. tch, lame. making fun of someone that stutters while you are a stuttering mess now.", I smirked while I bowed down, placing my hand in front of her and getting close to her face.

"I love my friends, and I don't like it when someone hurts their feelings, and sadly you made the mistake to hurt my friends' feelings.", I pouted at her. she shot a dirty glare to Kaede. I grabbed her face and turned it to face me again. "IT'S ENOUGH, YOU DIRTY LITTLE BRAT!", I said in a loud voice, making everyone turn their gazes to us, not daring to say a word.

"if I hear that you said something mean to Kaede or ANYONE else ONCE, me, my friends, and the guy who's standing in the doorway,", I said, pointing at Kotaro " then we'll have a not so nice talk with you. do that again after we had a little talk? I'll beat the living shit out of you. got that?", I threatened while cracking my knuckles.

the girl didn't say anything. "I said, GOT IT?", I repeated. she quickly nodded. "now apologize", I said. 'sorry', she mumbled underneath her breath. "Kaede did you hear that? We both don't speak the language of bullshit so I don't think I heard anything, did you?", I asked Kaede, who shook her head.

"she didn't hear it, so I'd like for you to repeat that LOUDER this time.", I said. "S-SORRY!", the girl shrieked, looking at Kaede with pleading eyes. "that's it, thank you for thing 'nice', talk", I said, shooting her a dirty glare and walking back to Kotaor who was still standing in the opening of the door. "I'll see you later, Kaede!", I beamed and waved at the girl who now happily waved back at me.


"wow, Y/n, You actually are intimidating what the-", Izumi said once we got back to the table. I looked at her confused. "Bokuto-san was on a video call with us and we saw how you got back at that girl!", Hanae beamed. I looked angrily at Kotaro before jabbing my elbow in his side, making the whole table laugh.

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