Chapter 22

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⚠️Almost a tragic accident, ***out cussing⚠️


[Edited by @KbaeStar]

Once they where out of the Hospital Wing they all headed for the Black Lake. Regulus was leaving on James's arm as they walked and Sirius was on Remus's back.

"Sorry Peter, we didn't mean to make you a 6th wheel." Remus said with a small smile as he saw Regulus and James's blushes.

"Your fine, I think I might go and talk to Susan from Hufflepuff if you guys don't mind." Peter said with a blush as he saw her in the distance.

"Go ahead, try and get yourself a girlfriend. But you have to be polite and respectful or I will harm you for disrespecting someone that didn't do anything." James said with a smile.

Peter nodded and walked over to Susan, instantly talking to her and her friends.

"Hey, what day is today?" Remus asked as they all sat down next to the lake.

"Its Saturday, why?" (A/N: Idk what day it really is so just go with it please) Regulus said making Remus's eyes widen slightly. "Sirius, can I talk to you? Alone." Remus asked while standing back up.

Sirius nodded and stood up as well. "We will be back in a minute." Sirius reassured with a smile before he and Remus walked over to the other side of the lake, away from everyone.

*Focusing on Wolfstar*

"The full moon is tonight and I can't have you, James, Regulus, or Peter anywhere near the Whopping Willow or the Screeching Shack ok?" Remus said with pleading eyes.

"Ok, wait why for the Whopping Willow?" Sirius asked as he hugged Remus. He had heard of how painful transformations where and how week and tired people where after they transformed.

"Because its the Hogwarts entrance of the Screeching Shack. I'm the reason why the Shack is called that because people have heard me during my transformations. Anyway, that's not important. Just make sure on the full moon tonight that you keep everyone inside the dorm room. Please." Remus said while hugging Sirius back.

"Ok I will. Who will help you get back to the castle and patched up?" Sirius asked worriedly while looking up at Remus, still not breaking the hug.

"Madam Pomphrey normally gets me. Its quite embarrassing but I'm normally in too much pain to care." Remus said making Sirius nod sadly.

"Thank you for your help with this. We should probably go back over to Jegulus over there before they get worried." Remus said before kissing Sirius quickly and walking back over to James and Regulus, Sirius following close behind.

*Focusing on Jegulus*

"I wonder what that is all about." James said while leaning up against the tree trunk.

"Same." Regulus replied while sitting down next to James. He was resisting the urge to lean into James's side. James had seemed to notice Regulus's struggle and opened his arm for Reg.

"Come here." James said with a smile as Reg blushed but cuddled into James's side.

"Well either they are going to break up or are moving up in the relationship somehow." James commented as he saw that Remus and Sirius had been hugging for a while and not let go.

"Well unless Remus is breaking us with Sirius they are moving up because Sirius really does love him. I've only known him for a day or so but I know that he is a good person." Regulus stated making James agree.

"I don't see Remus breaking up with him either tho-" James cut himself off when he saw them kiss and then start to walk back over. "They are still together." James said quickly while moving Reg closer to him as Remus and Sirius sat back down next to them.

"You two would be adorable together." Sirius stated as Remus nodded in agreement. James and Regulus blushed but didn't deny anything. Instead Regulus just hid his blushing face into James's chest.

"So what do you all want to do today after lunch?" James asked after a few minutes of silence.

"We could fly again, this time I can teach Remus how to fly and you can help Regulus out with it." Sirius said as he cuddled up to Remus.

"Sounds good to me." James said with a smile as Reg cuddled impossibility closer to him.

They all decided to just hang out until lunch time while cuddling.

*After Lunch*

Regulus was holding Sirius and James hands while Sirius was also holding Remus's hand on their way to the Quidditch pitch.

Once they reached the Pitch Remus looked slightly nervous. He had never been on a broom except for the one class from 1st year. Other than that he stayed away from them. Sirius and James instantly got onto their brooms as Regulus and Remus grabbed a broom each from the broom closet. It was there for kids that couldn't afford brooms but where for anyone to use.

Sirius and James flew back down to the ground to help the other two.

"I think I've got this." Regulus said as he mounted the broom and took off into the air.

He seamed to get a little too confident because just as he was coming back down to the other three his broom jerked forward and he was sent flying off of his broom. James was the first to see what had happened and zoomed forward to catch him. He quickly caught Regulus and gently lowered them to the ground.

"Holey fuck." Reg muttered while clinging onto James for what seemed like dear life.

Once James was hovering above the ground he got off of the broom, Regulus still clinging onto him, as he sat down onto one of the bleachers. (A/N: I know they didn't have bleachers and instead they had the massive house tents things but just pretend for me.)

Regulus had calmed down slightly and had moved so he was more hugging James then holding onto him. Sirius and Remus came running over to them, Sirius instantly tackling them into a hug.

"Are you ok?!" Sirius asked as Remus stepped back from them all.

"Yah I'm fine thanks to James." Reg said with a smile as he hugged back.

All of a sudden they all heard an animalistic growl...

1,045 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖

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