Chapter 36

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(Edited by KbaeStar)

And that's when James's rant started...

"Not to be dramatic or anything but I could have died out there and the professors didn't do anything like Lilly said. Then they wouldn't tell us why they didn't do anything, like what's that about?! If you hadn't accioed me over to you then I could have possibly died and that would have been my end. So thank you for that and screw Dumbledore." Throughout this small rant James had pulled Regulus even closer to him and placed his head of Reg's shoulder.

"I don't know why Dumbledore wouldn't let McGonagall explain. Did you see how confused she looked when he said that it wasn't any of our business?" Remus added as Peter filled everyone's plates with food, knowing that they would be too busy in their rant to remember to eat.

"Maybe we can convince Madam Pomphrey to tell us when we have to see her Saturday." Remus added as he leaned back into James's embrace.

"We can do that but for now you all need to eat." Peter cut in before their conversation could continue any more.

"Wh-? Oh thanks Peter." James started to ask before Peter handed out their plates of food. Peter just nodded with a smile in response. They all quickly ate before they left to their dorm room.

Well they started to leave for their room but where stopped by Madam Pomphrey.

"I would like to go ahead and do you two's checkup now if you don't mind." She said while already walking towards the Wing.

The Marauders and Regulus quickly followed her. "Why now?" Sirius whispered. It was normally time that they would go to their two classes for the day, have dinner, and then go to their dorm to finish their homework and then do whatever.

All Sirius got was a few shrugs in response before they reached the Hospital Wing.

Once inside Sirius and Regulus sat next to each other on one of the beds near the very back of the Wing. "The reason why we didn't do anything about Mr.Potter falling off of his broom is because Dumbledore told us that there was a spell on the floor of the pitch that would keep anyone that fell safe from harm. I don't know if it was true or not because Mr.Lupin saved him before he could hit the ground." Madam Pomphrey stated before starting her check up on the brothers.

This new information left them all shocked. "Sorry for saving him but none of us where informed of that and I couldn't let one of my best mates potentially die." Remus said as he put his arm around James's shoulders, his other arm going around Peter's shoulders.

"Your quite alright Mr.Lupin, I am happy that you decided to help Mr.Potter because if that spell didn't work then I would be in for one Hell of a job. We could have possibly needed to gone St. Mungo's depending on how bad the fall was." Pomphrey stated as she finished up her spells.

"So he isn't in trouble right?" James asked just making sure. He and Peter had moved their arm around Remus's back to make it more comfortable for them all.

"That's correct, none of you will get in trouble and if you do then send them to me because I will get you out of the trouble. What you did was potentially save a students life for the second time that you have been in Hogwarts so you should not be punished." Pomphrey stated before putting her wand down.

"Now you are all excused from classes today as long as Sirius and Mr.Lupin both work with Mr.Pettigrew and Mr.Potter on the Patronis charm." Madam Pomphrey said while walking them out of the wing. She used Sirius and Regulus when talking about them because neither of them liked being called a Black.

"We will, thank you." Remus said as they all left the Wing and headed to their dorm room.

"Well at least now we know why nobody did anything." Peter stated as they where half way up to the Gryffindor tower.

"True but now we should be more careful around Dumbledore, he could have easily told us and it not have been a big deal but he decided to keep it a secret instead." Remus added making the others nod in agreement.

Once they reached their room Regulus went to James bed and sat down, starting on his potions parchment. Peter and James sat down on Sirius's bed while Sirius and Remus stood infront of them.

"We are the professors now!" Sirius said with a large grin before faking a stern look, trying his best to hide his smile.

"Yes you are Professor Lupin." James said with a small smirk. Peter laughed out before quickly trying to muffle his laughter at Sirius and Remus's confused faces.

"I didn't say anything." Remus said before it clicked in his mind and his face instantly became pink. "Oh..."

"What? Why are you blushing?" Sirius asked still confused making Peter laugh even more. He wasn't being rude he just found this hilarious.

"Someone please explain what's happening." Sirius asked with a cute pout.

"He is saying that you are both Professor Lupin because your no longer a Black and you two are bound to get married when your older thanks to Comet." Regulus explained with a smirk before going back to his work.

At those words Sirius blushed brightly. "Oh, that makes sense." He said making Remus's blush darken.

"Anyway, onto the lesson. You will want to think of your most happy memory ever. If for some reason you can't think of any then I have some suggestions for you both." Remus said trying to get the topic off of him and Sirius.

"What are those suggestions?" James asked, he was just curious as to what they would be.

"Well for you James there are a lot. 1) the first time you got together with Reg, 2) the first time you two said I love you to each other, 3) the first time you two kissed, 4) the first time you won a Quidditch match, etc.." Sirius listed off making both James and Regulus blush.

"And for Peter there is 1)When you and Susan got together, 2)your first kiss with her, 3)I don't know if you two have said I love you to each other but if you have then that could work, etc.." Remus added making Peter blush.

What they didn't know was that the blush was from embarrassment, not him being flustered...

1,100 Words! I am so sorry for the trash cliff hanger.

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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