Chapter 13

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⚠️Nightmare, slight cussing, crying, kissing⚠️


⚠️Nightmare starts⚠️
Four year old Remus Lupin was sleeping away in his little bed, in his little room.
He was so peaceful until someone crashed into his room, waking him up in a panic.
He looked towards his window and saw Fenrir Greyback, the most known werewolf standing next to it.

He screamed as loud as possible, trying to get his parents to come in and help him.
Greyback looked over at him, hunger in his eyes. He walked over to Remus and bit his arm. Remus cried out in pain but before Greyback could do any more damage to Remus, Remus's dad came into the room.

He quickly hexed Greyback out of the house and fixed the window before tending to Remus's wound.

"Lets just hope you don't turn." He said with a sad smile.
Remus was crying from the pain in his arm.
Just then the dream changed to Remus's first transformation.
Remus was locked down into the basement so he wouldn't harm anyone.
The transformation was extremely painful, his bones breaking and being put back together. His clothes had been torn apart and where now laying on the floor as nothing but shreds.

Once the transformation was over the little baby werewolf was in a lot of pain and was very cold. He was clawing at himself, trying to get the pain to go away. It didn't work. So he whimpered and curled into a ball on the old mattress down there. He played tired with some of the toys that where left for him but soon fell asleep.

The next morning he woke up in a lot of pain, he was human now but had scars all over his body, the most noticed one being the one across his face.
He started crying and shaking. He hated feeling alone, in pain, and freezing.
️Nightmare ends⚠️

Remus woke up with a small gasp. He was crying slightly and looked around quickly. Upon seeing that he wasn't alone but instead in a room with three other people he calmed down slightly.

"I need to clear my head." Remus thought as he quietly walked out of the dorm room and down to the common room.

When he shut the door Sirius looked up. He had heard someone's heavy breathing and thought he heard someone leave the room. So he quickly looked around and saw that Remus was out of bed. He looked over at the bathroom door and the light was off, along with the door being wide opened. With curiosity getting the better of him, Sirius got up and walked down stairs.

He saw Remus sitting there with his head in his hands as he sat on one of the couches. Sirius slowly walked over to him. "You alright Rem?" Sirius asked, letting Remus know he was there.

Remus jumped slightly at the sudden noise but relaxed, seeing that it was just Sirius. "Yah I'm fine. Just couldn't sleep." Remus said, it wasn't a full lye, just not the full truth.

"Me neither." Sirius said as he sat down next to Remus, cuddling up to him. Remus smiled and laid back so Sirius was laying on top of him.

"Any specific reason why you couldn't sleep?" Remus asked while playing with Sirius's hair.

"Well... *tell him! Tell him now! If he rejects you then you won't be humiliated infront everyone. It's just you two right now.* I was thinking about something I wanted to tell you." Sirius admitted, listening to his thoughts.

"Oh really? What is it then?" Remus asked with a head tilt.

*deep breath* "I think I love you." Sirius rushed out, quickly hiding his face in Remus's shoulder.

"I get it if you don't even like me ba-" Sirius was cut off by Remus hugging him tightly.

"I think I love you too." Remus said into Sirius's shoulder. They both looked up at each other, they where very close to each other. Their noses brushing against the others.

"May I?" Remus asked, not getting a verbal response. Instead Sirius closed the space between them in a sweet innocent kiss. Remus was very inexperienced so he let Sirius take the lead.

The only reason why Sirius knew how to kiss was because of all of his "girlfriends" his mother had set him up with. Anyway, back to Wolfstar.

Remus quickly figured out what to do and took dominance of the kiss, shocking Sirius slightly. When they pulled apart from the kiss they where both blushing like crazy.

"So Sirius Black, can I be your boyfriend?" Remus asked making Sirius's blush brighten even more.

"Yes." Sirius said with a smile before kissing Remus again. Now Sirius wasn't used to being a bottom/submission person because he was always the pants in the relationship but Hell did he like this so much more. When they pulled apart this time Remus cast a tempus. The time showed three fifteen.

"We should get back to bed, we will have to wake up again in a few hours." Remus said as he put his wand away.

"Ok, but quick question first. Do you want to keep our relationship a secret or have it public?" Sirius asked as they started to walk up to their dorm room.

"Whatever you are most comfortable with is fine with me." Remus reassured.

"So we can make it public?" Sirius asked with hopeful eyes.

"If that's what you want to do then of course." Remus said with a smile as Sirius and himself walked into the room.

"The first people to know should be James and Peter." Remus said as Sirius pulled him over to Sirius's bed.

"Agreed." Sirius said while laying down, bringing Remus down with him.

"Are you ok with us cuddling to sleep?" Sirius asked as Remus got comfortable.

"Yes I'm fine with it. We cuddled a lot before we got together so why not now?" Remus asked with a smile as Sirius cuddled up to his chest.

"I was just making sure." Sirius said before he fell asleep. Remus chuckled and soon fell asleep as well. 

Tomorrow would be interesting...


1,031 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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