Chapter 41

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Heavy making out, cussing, ditching class (idk if that's a warning but oh well)⚠️ 

(Edited by @KbaeStar)
Remus took one glance at Sirius before pinning him to the wall....

"Can I kiss you?" Remus asked, even though they are in a relationship and they kiss on the normal this was going to be slightly different so he wanted to ask for consent first.

"Um, yes?" Sirius said not sure why Remus was asking. Remus put one of his hands behind Sirius's head so it wouldn't slam into the wall while his other arm wrapped itself around Sirius's waist. Remus then kissed Sirius almost hungerly. Sirius quickly kissed back, attempting to show as much passion as Remus was showing.

Suddenly Remus nipped at Sirius's bottom lip making Sirius gasp and let Remus slip his tongue into Sirius's mouth.

Sirius let out an involuntary moan that was muffled by Remus's tongue.

Remus pulled away, both of them panting. "Woah." Sirius breathed with a dark blush that was barely visible in the dark corridor, the only light being the torches aflame on the stone walls.

"W-we should get back to class." Remus said still fighting Comet. Comet wanted him to go farther but they where only fourteen so he didn't want to and he knew that Sirius didn't want to either.

"How about we go to the dorms and cuddle instead? Please?" Sirius asked with puppy dog eyes. Even though it was dark, Comet's heightened eye sight allowed Remus to be able to see Sirius.

"Fine but only because we can blame Comet for the sudden need of affection." Remus said with a light sigh before pecking Sirius's lips again and then grabbing his hand.

They walked out of the hidden corridor and towards the dorm room quickly. They stopped by the Potions room, well Sirius went inside while Remus walked ahead a few yards not wanting to go into overdrive.

"James, Peter. Come here please." Sirius said while Slughorn was helping someone. Peter and James quickly moved over to him thinking that there was something wrong with Remus.

"Remus and I are going to skip classes today. The potion messed with Comet so if you two want to join then we will be in the dorm room. Peter bring Jake too, we can all play some games." Sirius said with a smile while keeping his eyes on Slughorn.

"Sounds good to me, I'm in." James said with a matching smile.

"Oh, well I would have to ask Jake but I'm fine with joining." Peter said making Sirius nod.

"Alright well you go ask him while I go tell Remus and James you get your things and join us." Sirius said making the other two nod and walk to their thing.

"Hey Jake, would you want to skip classes and join us in our dorm room? Sirius wants to play some games and he said that you should join if you want." Peter asked while he started to pack his bag. By now James was out of the door with Wolfstar and Remus has been told what is happening.

"Sure, sounds fun." Jake replied, now normally he wouldn't skip class but if he got to spend more time with Peter then he was down for it.

Peter smiled and they walked out of the door, Slughorn had already approved of their potion so it was ok. They both found the other three and they all started walking towards the dorm room.

*Time skip to when they get there*

James flopped down onto his bed while Remus sat down on Sirius's bed, pulling Sirius into his lap while doing so.

Peter then sat down at the end of his bed and Jake sat on the end of Remus's bed.

"So what game should we play?" Peter asked as Sirius cuddled into Remus's chest.

"What about twenty questions?" Sirius asked slightly shocking Remus and James. The last few times they played, that was in 1st year, he ended up spilling terrible secrets about his family. They hadn't played the game since because they felt bad for him.

"Sure." Peter and Jake said in sink making them blush as James and Wolfstar chuckled.

"Easy questions first. Can you cast a Patronis?" Sirius asked making them all say 'yes' in some way or another.

"Alright, um... what is your favorite animal?" James asked while leaning against one of the bed post.

"Wolfs." Sirius said with a grin that he hid in Remus's chest as Remus blushed slightly before hiding his face in Sirius's hair.

"Dogs." Remus said making Sirius blush slightly.

"Are they always this cuddly?" Jake asked with a small smile.

"Yes." James and Peter replied instantly making them all laugh.

"My favorite animal is probably an owl." James said before looking towards Jake.

"Well this may sound weird but mine are either rats or mice. I know its weird but I think they are cute." Jake said making James smile and look over at Peter who was attempting to hide a blush.

"I like cats." Peter said making Jake try and stop a small smile.

Jake's patronis was a cat but cats where also quite common animals to like so he was happy but not over the moon about it.

So after a few more rounds of easy questions Sirius decided to up the questions.

"Hard question, what did you smell in the Amorta potion?" Sirius asked making them all blush.

"You." Remus replied making Sirius smile and kiss him quickly.

"Same for you." Sirius replied making Remus smile as well and peck him again. They where trying to keep their kissing to a minimum around the others because they didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

"I smelt Regulus." James said making Sirius reply with "You better have or there would have been a problem." Making them all laugh again.

"What about you two?" James asked Peter and Jake.

"Oh well.. um..." Peter stuttered...

1,006 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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