•Chapter 10

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[Edited by @KbaeStar]

The next morning Sirius was the first to wake up. He was extremely confused as to why he was so warm and comfortable in his cold-ish bed, then he remembered last night. The warmth was Remus.

He smiled lightly and cuddled closer to him, Remus pulled him closer in his sleep. Sirius was about to fall asleep again when he heard a loud thud.

Remus and Sirius sat up and looked over towards Peter and James. Peter was on the floor rubbing his head while James was holding back his laughter.

"Are you alright Peter?" Remus asked while getting up and moving to help Peter up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." Peter said as Remus helped him up.

"What happened?" Sirius asked trying to hide a grin of his own.

"I don't know, I guess I just thought there was more bed when there wasn't so I fell off?" Peter said more as a question than a definite answer.

"Alright well now that we are all up we can go and get ready for the day! I want us all to go to Hogsmeade then the Black Lake and lastly the Quidditch pitch to practice flying on brooms!" James said happily while standing up and started to change.

"I mean we don't have to do that stuff, we can do whatever you guys want to do, I just wanna go outside if that's alright." James quickly added.

"What you said sounds fun James. I'll be good if we do them." Sirius said before he went into the bathroom to change and get ready.

"Yeah, I'm good with whatever. You guys are the only people besides Hufflepuffs that have talked to me so..." Peter trailed off as he sat down on his bed, waiting for Sirius to come out of the bathroom.

"I'm fine with what you suggested because I need some chocolate from Hogsmeade and I wanted to go to the Black Lake anyway. And I can study while you guys are flying so that's a plus." Remus said while he shut the curtains around his bed and then changed.

What he forgot was that this wasn't his bed, it was Sirius's.

"Okay Peter, you can go and change now." Sirius said as he left the bathroom and headed towards his bed. He saw that the curtains where drawn and became confused. He knew he didn't draw them. So he pulled one side back slightly and saw Remus snap his head towards him. He didn't have a shirt on and there where scars all over his body.

"What happened?" Sirius asked with a small gasp, making Remus shush him.

"I'll tell you later." Remus said quietly while putting his top on quickly and then getting out of the bed. Sirius proceeded to continue opening the curtain so James wouldn't be suspicious.

*Once everyone is done getting ready*

The four boys left to go to the Great Hall for breakfast and then left for Hogsmeade. Once in Hogsmeade they went to Honey dukes first so Remus could get his chocolate and the rest could get whatever they wanted.

"Excuse me, could you grab me that Acid pop please?" Some girl asked Sirius. It was just out of her reach but it was at Sirius's head.

"How many do you want?" Sirius asked politely while moving so he could grab them for her.

"Four pleas." She said while low key checking him out. He grabbed the four Acid Pops and handed them to her. "There you go pretty lady." He said with a wink before he left to go find the others. She giggled and thanked him before going off to her group of friends. Once Sirius had found the others they where getting Remus to grab things for them because he was the tallest out of them all.

"Hey guys." Sirius said as he walked up to them.

"Oh hey Siri, where did you go?" James asked as Remus handed Peter some chocolate thing.

"Well I was checking around the store and some girl asked me to hand her some Acid Pops. So I did and then I came to find you guys." Sirius explained as Remus grabbed some Chocolate Frogs.

"Oh, alright. Hey guys, are you almost done?" James asked as he turned to Remus and Peter.

"Yeah, I'm done. This is all I can spend on chocolates right now." Remus said as Peter nodded in agreement.

"I can get both of yours for you if you want." James said with a shrug.

"I could take one of yours or both of yours as well." Sirius stated, he wasn't legally disowned so he still had access to the Black volt in Gringos Bank.

"It's okay, I've got it." Remus said politely while they all walked over to the register.

"Please let me pay, I want to spend my terrible mother's money." Sirius asked both Remus and Peter.

"Fine but if any of it is your money then I will pay you back." Remus stated with a sigh, Peter nodding in agreement.

"Yay!" Sirius said before pulling out his pouch of money and paying for both of their candy/chocolates. 

They soon left and went to the Quidditch shopJames wanted to bye the newest broom but first years weren't aloud to play Quidditch. So Sirius had to drag him out of there. Remus and Peter had gone to Flurish and Bolts to look at the books and for Peter to get some new quills (A/N: his mother hadn't gotten him enough the first time they went shopping).

Soon enough they all entered Zonko Joke Shop.

"Woah." Sirius breathed, he had never been in here thanks to his mum saying it was a 'Waste of time and money.'

"Hey, how about we pull a prank on Slytherin? They have the supplies here!" James asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Sounds fun, I'm in!" Sirius said happily.

"I mean... as long as we don't get caught I'm in." Peter said with a look that was between worried and excited.

"Rem?" Sirius asked making them all look towards them.

"I'd rather not...." Remus said with a look that said "I don't want to get into trouble".

"Come on Remus, please?" Sirius asked with puppy dog eyes.

Remus quickly looked away with a blush. "Fine." Remus reluctantly agreed with a sigh, making the others cheer. So they grabbed all the pranking materials they could find. They then used Sirius's mum's money to pay for it all.

The group left for the Castle now to drop off all of their things in the dorm, before they left for the Black Lake.

1,109 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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