Chapter 40

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My twin KbaeStar drew that art^ please follow them!!! 💖
⚠️Cussing, verbal fighting⚠️

(Edited by @KbaeStar)

The next morning everyone got up, ready for the day, and where now in the Great hall for breakfast. Wolfstar and Jegulus sat next to each other while Peter sat on the other side of James.

"So we are going to be brewing Amorta today in Potions. What do you think you will smell?" James asked the others while eating some bacon.

Before any of them could reply Jake came up to them.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked politely while pointing to the empty seat next to Peter.

"Not at all! The more the better!" James said with a smile as he saw Peter's blush. Sirius and Remus gave James a confused look. He just smiled in response.

"So your Jake right? We haven't talked much." Remus asked making Jake look over at him.

"Yah, and your the famous Marauders." Jake said quietly making all of their eyes widen at him, while James choked on the bacon.

"What?!" Peter squeaked as he looked up at Jake who just smiled back down at him.

"Well it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I won't tell anyone though, I couldn't do that to you... guys." Jake quickly added in the 'guys' part at the end while looking away from Peter with a blush dusting his cheeks.

Peter looked at his plate with a blush as well. Sirius and Remus looked like they understood what Jake was doing over here now.

"Oh thank Merlin." Sirius muttered while leaning up against Remus's side.

"How about we all met up after classes tonight? We could all play truth or dare in the common room with a few other kids." James suggested making them all look at him.

"Sounds goods." Were heard all around their group along with other agreements. 

Once they where all done with breakfast they all headed to Double Potions class, their first and second class for the day. Regulus had to go to Transfiguration with his fellow Slytherin third years.

When they got inside of the class Remus and Sirius sat next to each other. James and Frank sat together while Peter and Jake sat together.

"Hello class, today we will be making Amorta. Can anyone tell me what Amorta is?" Professor Slughorn asked as he moved to the front of the class.

Lilly's hand shot up along with Remus's, although Remus was a lot calmer than Lilly. "Yes Mr.Lupin?" Slughorn asked making Lilly sigh and put her hand down. 

"Amorta is one of the strongest love potions in the world, whatever you smell is what attracts you most. It is also very dangerous because if given to a person with another person's DNA they will fall into fake love with that person and they will be clingy with the person for 24 hours or at least until the potion wears off. This potion can also be used to tell who you truly love and or if your crush likes you back. " Remus stated making Slughorn smile. 

"Good job Mr.Lupin, twenty points to Gryffindor for a detailed, correct answer." Slughorn said making the Gryffindor's cheer and the Slytherins, that they shared this double potions with, groan in frustration and annoyance.

"Now you will be paired up with the person you are sitting next to for this assignment. Whoever had the best potion by the end of class will win their house forty points. You may begin." Slughorn stated making the students perk up and get to work.

*Fast forward to when they are done because I'm lazy, sorry*

"Professor Slughorn, I think we are done." James stated as he looked down at his and Frank's creation. It was more bright pink rather than the dark pink it was supposed to be but it still smelled good so who knows.

Lucius and Sev where the first to complete the potion correctly, being the potion nerds they are. Then it was Remus and Sirius seeing as how Remus was the smartest wizard in their grade.

"Ahh, Mr.Potter and Mr.Longbottom I see you two have gotten close. Stir the potion three more clock wise and add two strands of unicorn hairs and it should be correct." Slughorn corrected making the boys nod and fix their mistake.

Now the potion looked correct. "There you are. Good job." Slughorn said with his normal cheery smile.

While that was happening Remus was hard core fighting Comet in his mind.
The room smelling powerfully of Sirius along with Comet's heightened wolf senses was not helping them at all.

*Remus is non slanted and Comet is slanted*

"Why is our Mate's smell so strong?" Comet asked once Remus and Sirius had completed their potion.

"Because of a potion we had to make for class. Don't try anything." Remus warned.

"But our mate.. he is right here.. can I -" Comet was cut off by Remus blocking him out.

"Professor, can I go to the lou?" Remus asked as he clutched his head.

It was getting hard to control Comet and it was also giving him a headache from the overwhelming smell of Sirius.

"Oh of course Mr.Lupin, everyone that has already completed the potion correctly you may leave." Slughorn stated making everyone that had finished rush out of the room. Remus was quickest out and bolted out of the room within seconds.

"Hey Peter, do you want me to wait on you?" James asked as Sirius ran after Remus.

"Um, you can if you want to but you don't need to." Peter said while looking up from his potions book to James. Peter and Jake where close to done with their potion anyway so he wouldn't have to wait long.

"Ok, well then I am going to see if Slughorn has anything that I can help him with. Have fun you two." James said knowing that Sirius had Remus and that Peter would get to spend more time with Jake if he helped Slughorn.

Peter nodded with a confused look as James walked away from them with a smirk. Jake chuckled at his cuteness.

"What?" Peter asked while looking up at Jake with a head tilt.

"Nothing." Jake said with a smile making Peter shrug. So they continued working on their potion, curious as to what they would smell.

*Focusing on Wolfstar*

"Remus?! Are you ok?" Sirius asked as he finally found Remus in a hidden corridor of Hogwarts.

Remus took one glance at Sirius before pinning him to the wall....

1,094 Words! Quick warning, the next chapter will have heavy making out so.. yah. Also it should be out soon hopefully!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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