Chapter 55

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(Edited by @KbaeStar)

"What is with the Potter thing? Why can't he just call me Harry?" Harry thought aloud as he got up, grabbed his wand, and headed to the Black Lake....

Once he got to the lake he saw Draco already standing there throwing stones into the lake.

"You know that if you keep doing that then the Giant Squid will attack you." Harry said startling Draco.

"That's absurd. The giant squid is so far down into the lake that by the time the rocks hit it, it wouldn't feel much of anything." Draco said as he threw another rock, this time making it skip across the water five times before it sunk.

"Anyway, your friend the Weasel doesn't like me huh?" Draco asked while turning around.

"Its Weasley or Ron and apparently not. I kind of understand considering how you first acted when we met you but it wasn't too low of a blow." Harry said confusing Draco.

"I didn't punch him." Draco stated referring to the 'low blow' part.

"I know, it's Muggle slang, sorry." Harry chuckled making Draco nod. 

The two walked over to a willow tree and sat under it. The branches blowing with the breeze.

"What are Muggles like?" Draco asked as he leaned up against the tree trunk.

"Well they are quite similar to Wizards. They don't use magic but they do have things that are like magic. Like an oven or a toaster." Harry said as he too leaned up against the tree trunk.

"What are those things?" Draco asked sounding genuinely interested.

"Well an oven cooks food within a short amount of time and a toaster is a thing that you put bread in and then within minutes the bread is toasted." Harry explained before looking over at Draco who had a confused look.

"Why don't they just get the House Elves to do that stuff?" He asked with an adorable confused look.

"Muggles don't have House Elves. They don't have anything with magic except for magicians but their magic is just a bunch of illusions instead of real magic." Harry explained making Draco nod again.

The two continued to talk about Muggles and how different they are from Wizards. Harry ended up resting his head onto Draco's shoulder as they talked. Eventually it started to get dark so they decided that they would watch the sunset and then go inside.

"I love nature, its so pretty." Harry stated with a grin.

"Agreed." Draco said, glancing over at Harry before looking back to the sunset.

"What the bloody Hell are you two doing?" Ron asked sounding pissed making Harry and Draco jump and point their wands at him out of reflex.

"Ron you scared us!" Harry said making Ron roll his eyes.

"You can put your wand down now Malfoy. What were you two doing? This looks quite romantic for two friends." Ron snapped making Draco put his wand up and Harry blush.

"We were going to come inside after seeing the sunset. Is it so bad to like the sunset?" Harry snapped back, shocking both Draco and Ron.

"No its not but next time tell me when you are going to be out for a long time with you boyfriend. I was looking for you and nobody knew where you were." Ron said sounding slightly defeated.

"He isn't my boyfriend and I was trying to give you time to get used to Draco and I being friends." Harry said as Draco took a small step back and watched the "show".

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