Chapter 25

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⚠️Mention of s*x, cussing, mentions of past ab*se, crying, death threats, threats, pain, self harm⚠️ (I swear its not angst)


(Edited by @KbaeStar)

"Wh-? Of course I love you. Its just that we are only twelve and I don't want to do that yet. Even if I didn't want to do it at all ever doesn't mean that I don't love you. Relationships don't need sex to mean that you love each other." Sirius stated while glancing over at James and Reg.

Currently James was holding Regulus back from attempting to harm Comet for low key shaming Sirius for not wanting to fuck him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that's how old we where. And I know that, I just... I don't know, I'm sorry." Comet apologized while flinching back away from Sirius.

"Its alright, you apologized and you didn't know before. Are you alright?" Sirius reassured while trying to get Comet to look at him.

"I am waiting for my punishment.  I said something wrong and so I must be punished. That's what Remus's father said." Comet said while looking up slightly up to see a very pissed off Sirius.

"They said what?!" James asked in a angry tone making Comet flinch slightly.

"If I did something bad then I would be punished. Did Remus not tell you? Does he even know?" Comet asked the last question more to himself than the others.

"No he didn't tell us, I don't think he knows. Also he is wrong, you should not be punished for something so small." Sirius said with silent tears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Would you like to pet my ears? They normally make Remus's mother happy when she is sad." Comet asked while pulling Sirius into his lap.

"Do you enjoy having your ears pet or is it painful?" Regulus asked as Sirius hugged Comet and James hugged him.

"Its not painful, it feels quite nice actually. So yes I enjoy it." Comet replied with a small smile. Sirius sat up some in Comet's lap and slowly reached his hand up to pet the fuzzy wolf ear. Once he placed his hand on Comet's ear, Comet leaned into the touch and huffed in content.

"Oh shit, Siri we need to go. Its been an hour and Remus said that we have to leave by then." James said, slightly panicked.

"You try and take him I will claw your eyes out." Comet threatened James as Sirius stopped petting his ears.

"Wolfstar." Regulus said making Comet almost instantly space out again. When he came back again, his ears, tail, and fangs where still there but his eyes where back to normal.

"What's wrong? What happened? Did he hurt anyone?" Remus asked making it obvious that it was Remus and not Comet.

"Nobody is hurt, just some death threats. We need to get back to the castle though and Comet wouldn't let Sirius leave." Regulus reassured making Remus nod.

"You look cute with those ears." Sirius commented making Remus look at him confused. He reached his hand up to his head and sure enough, he had ears.

"Shit, that means that the transformation is extremely close. You guys need to leave now." Remus stated making the others nod. Sirius quickly pecked Remus's cheek before they all left the Shack, leaving Remus/Comet there all alone.

All alone again.

They both hated being alone, being the only body in a room. It left them to their thoughts and they where not good thoughts. But before any of the truly bad thoughts could come crashing down on them the transformation had started.

The pain taking over any thoughts either one of them had.

After about ten minutes of Remus's bones breaking and re-connecting he had fully transformed into a Werewolf, his clothes in shreds on the floor, and Comet was in full control. This Comet was a bit more aggressive then the Comet is when they are around other people and are mostly Remus.

He was pissed. He wanted his mate and they took him away from them. He ripped at the curtain and bed sheets. He clawed at himself to keep himself from hunting down James and Regulus and cutting them. Before long he had tired himself out and jumped up onto the bed. He curled into a little ball, shaking slightly from the cold.

"Alone." Was the last thought he had before he fell asleep.

Remus woke up in extreme pain like he does every day after the full moon. He looked down and saw that there where deep cuts along both of his arms.

"Fuck." He thought, more scars to add to his collection.

He attempted to get up and at least put the covers over his naked, cold body so he could have at least a little bit of dignity when Madam Pomphrey came in to help him but even breathing was putting him in pain. So he just laid there, shaking, cold, alone.

Soon enough, Madam Pomphrey came into the room with fresh clothes for him and her first aid kit. "I-I'm sorry." Remus croaked out as Madam Pomphrey started to dress him.

"You had no control in any of this, you shouldn't apologize." She replied. By now she was done with the boxers, pants, and socks. She left the shirt off so she should tend to his fresh wounds.

**After he is healed and clothed**

Madam Pomphrey levitated Remus to the Hospital Wing because he fell back asleep and she couldn't carry him that far of a distance.

**Once they get to the Wing**

Pomphrey placed Remus on one of the beds and pulled the curtain around him so other students couldn't see him.

From last years experience, Remus knew that in the morning he would be given some potions. He would then be forced to stay in the Hospital Wing for a few days and then let go again so he could continue classes he missed.

Knowing that he knew this, Madam Pomphrey left for her office and fell into her normal light sleep.

1,026 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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