•Chapter 1

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[Edited by @KbaeStar]
⚠️Mentions of abuse and cussing⚠️


It was the first day of Hogwarts and Sirius Black, his mum, and his little brother Regulus Black was waiting on the Platform.

They were early compared to many others, not wanting to deal with all of the publicity right now.

"You need to get onto the train. Remember, if you don't get into Slytherin then there will be consequences." Walburga Black stated, giving him a look that said "You know exactly what I mean."

Sirius nodded his head looking scared. He then quickly hugged Regulus and whispered "Do whatever they say, behave as best as you can. I can't take the blame for you while I'm here and I don't want you getting hurt. I love you." Sirius then let go of the hug and ran into the train.

His mother would abuse both Sirius and Regulus with and without magic. If they did the slightest thing wrong then they would be punished. He would always take the blame for Regulus whenever he could. He would mainly be whipped with a belt or cursed with a spell. If he did something "very bad" then he would get the curio curse on him. Regulus was forced to watch his brother writher in pain. If he cried or tried to help Sirius then he got physically punished.

Sirius went to the very back of the train and got into an empty compartment. He then pulled out his astronomy book and started to read. He always found astronomy fascinating. Everyone in his family was named after a constellation.

After a few minutes, a boy with raven black hair and circle glasses came into the compartment. His hair was a mess, his glasses were crooked, and he was breathing heavily. He seemed to have been running.

"Hey, can I sit in here? Everywhere else is full and/or the kids inside look like they would kill me if I even breathed in their direction." The boy asked while sitting down on the other seat in front of Sirius.

"Um... sure." Sirius said before going back to his book.

"Thanks." The boy said before putting his trunks up into the loft.

After another minute another boy came into the compartment. When Sirius looked up he didn't expect the boy to be so handsome. He had beautiful sandy blonde hair, and whiskey-brown eyes, he was quite tall, had some cool scars, and was also quite lanky. But overall he was adorable.

"No, you can't think like this. You're a Black, your straight." Sirius thought, scolding himself.

"Can I sit in here? A boy with greasy long black hair and another boy with bleach blonde hair shoved me in here." The boy asked, still standing up. Just then the train jolted forward and started to move, forcing the boy into the seat next to the boy with glasses.

"Of course, you can. Oh, and if those gits hurt you then I will hex them for you." The raven-haired boy stated, shocking both Sirius and the lanky boy.

"Really? You don't even know me." The boy with the cool scars said while standing and putting his trunks into the loft.

"Yeah but you seem trustworthy. So do you so the same goes for you." The boy with round glasses stated nonchalantly.

This just confused the other two even more.

"You don't even know our names." Sirius stated while putting his book up into his bag.

"Well my name is James Potter and I hope to be in Gryffindor." The boy, now known as James stated.

"I'm Remus, Remus Lupin and I don't really care what house I get into." Remus said while sitting down next to James again.

"I'm Sirius. Sirius Black and I want to be a Slytherin." Sirius said while he sat his bag down on the floor.

"Black? As in the pure-blood family? Aren't they evil?" James asked curiously.

Remus shoved his shoulder. "That's not a nice question to ask! Even if you didn't mean to be rude about it." Remus scolded before looking towards Sirius with slight pity in his eyes.

"Yes as in the pure-blood Black family. We aren't all evil if you think I am evil." Sirius snapped before he started to grab his bag to pull out his sketchbook.

"That's not what I meant, I don't think you're evil I was just wondering if the rumors of your family were true. Sorry, it wasn't an ok question to ask." James said while trying to look Sirius in the eye, showing that he wasn't lying.

"You're fine." Sirius mumbled while pulling out a pencil so he could continue working on the sketch he had started working on earlier. After a few minutes of silence, Remus suggested a game to make the time go by.

"How about we play a muggle game? It's called 20 questions." Remus asked while he sat back in the seat.

"I don't play mug-" Sirius cut himself off as he looked up at Remus.

"How do you play?" He asked with a sigh while shutting his notebook and putting it back into his bag. This boy had power over Sirius and he barely knew him.

"Well, we all go around and ask a question. For example, I would ask 'what is your favorite color' and then I would answer, then James, and then you. Once we all have answered James would ask a question and we would all answer. Then you would ask and everyone would answer. That goes on until we have reached 20 questions." Remus explained with a smile.

For some strange reason, Sirius didn't want that smile to ever leave Remus's lips. He looked gorgeous.

"Stop Sirius, your straight and do NOT like boys." Sirius internally scolded himself again.

"Ok, sounds good." Sirius said with another sigh.

"Sounds fun! I'm in." James said with a smile.

So Remus nodded and started the game...

1,003 Words! Sorry this chapter turned out to be a lot longer than I meant for it to be... 

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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