Chapter 15

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After an hour they had most everything in order and knew what they where going to do. Remus checked the time with a tempus. Once he saw that it was already twelve thirty he quickly got up.

"Come on guys, we can't skip lunch again. We are already late." Remus said as he grabbed Sirius's hand and pulled him to the door. The other two got up and they all walked down to the Dining Hall.

*After lunch*

They all went right back to planning out the last few things for the prank. Remus was in charge of the more 'powerful' spells while Sirius and James where the smaller spells. Peter was the props person.

"Alright, so we should all wake up around three or four to set this up and then we can go back to sleep." Remus said making Peter and Sirius nod in agreement.

"Wait! We need a name for ourselves!" James said excitedly. He knew that all of the best pranksters had a big name and everything.

"Your right! What should our name be?" Sirius agreed with a bright smile.

"What about... the pranksters?" Peter asked, he wasn't very good at nicknames.

"Ok, well that's an idea but what a out the Marauder's?" James asked. He had seen the word in a book once and thought it sounded cool.

"Well Marauder means "One who roams from place to place making attacks and raids in search of plunder" so that could work but it might also be a bit violent." Remus stated, he had an almost photographic memory so he could remember the definition of the word.

"Sounds Brilliant!" Sirius said with a grin, matching James's.

"Do you like it Peter?" James asked, making sure everyone was ok with the name.

"Yah, it seems like it would work out nicely." Peter said with a smile of his own.

"Remus?" James asked with a raised brow.

"I mean if everyone else likes it then sure, now how are we going to incorporate it into the prank?" Remus asked as James and Sirius cheered.

So they talked even more about what they would do to add their name into the prank. By the time they where done with that it was already ten o'clock.

"Alright mates, we should go to sleep now so we can at least have five hours of sleep tonight." Remus said making the others nod and move to their beds.

Well Sirius stayed with Remus and they cuddled until they fell asleep.

*5 Hours Later*

A small alarm went off, waking everyone but Peter.

"Peter!" James said while shaking Peter awake.

"Wh? Oh, sorry I'm a deep sleeper." Peter said with an embarrassed blush.

"Your fine, but come on. We have to get this set up within the hour. Let's go!" James said with a smile as they all got under the invisibly cloak.

They didn't run into any teachers on the way (shockingly). So when they got to the Great Hall they quickly set up the prank and left again. Once they got back to their dorm room James quickly put the cloak back into his trunk and they all fell back asleep, they would celebrate if they didn't get caught tomorrow.

*The next morning*

The Marauders all woke up with grins. They quickly got up and ready before going down to the Great Hall. Shockingly they where all very good actors and just sat down like they normally would.

All of a sudden there was a loud BANG and everyone jumped, looking towards the source of the noise.

It was the Slytherin table.

A massive green glitter bomb had gone off and sprinkled all over every single Slytherin. The glitter spelled out Marauders. A lot of kids gasped while others laughed.

All of the Slytherins where pissed. Glitter does not come off no matter what you do to it. It even somehow repels magic. (A/n I honestly feel like glitter would do this.)

"Who are the Marauders?!" Lucas yelled after moving away from Severus. He had moved closer to protect him when the loud bang happened. All he got where laughs in response, his hair was coated in green glitter and it was very obvious from his normal bleach blonde hair.

"Alright students calm down. Everyone please continue eating. You have classes today. I am very sorry Slytherins but you will just have to deal with the glitter for now. It should wash away eventually." Dumbledore stated while glancing over at the Gryffindor table.

"Your not even going to punish who did this to us?" Lucas asked trying to keep his rage down when talking to the Headmaster.

"Well how would I punish someone if I don't know who they are?" Dumbledore asked with the glint in his blue eyes.

Lucas just sighed in defeat and sat back down.

"I can't believe that worked!" Sirius whispered to Remus (A/N: who he was basically sitting on they where so close together).

"Me neither." Remus replied with a chuckle while he looked up at James and Peter who where still laughing.

*After breakfast*

Everyone grabbed their bags and went to their classes for the day. All of the houses had their classes together as long as it was their year.

Half of the Gryffindor first years had Potions with Slytherins, then Charms with Hufflepuffs, Transfiguration with Ravenclaw, and lastly DADA with fellow Gryffindor's. Well at least that's what the Marauder's schedule was.

All throughout potions it is extremely hard to concentrate for all of the Gryffindor's because of the constant glitter shed from the Slytherins.

Charms class, Remus was the best in the class thanks to all of the reading he had done ahead of time and was able to preform the Wingardium Leviosa spell correctly first time.

Transfiguration, James was the best at because his father loved it and had taught him quite a bit before school started.

And lastly Defense Against The Dark Arts (DADA). All four of them where quite good at that class.

"Excuse me professor? When will we learn the Patronus spell?" James asked having seen his mum and dad's patrons.

"You won't learn that until fourth year." The professor stated while helping some girl with her spell.

"Are we ever going to learn about werewolf's?" Someone asked making Remus stiffen.

"Yes we will, it will be taught next year." The professor stated, still tending to the girl.

"Fuck." Remus muttered under his breath making Sirius look at him curiously. Remus caught onto his mistake and quickly whispered "I'll tell you later." With a sigh.

He really didn't want to loose Sirius but he knew that Sirius would have to learn about his furry little problem eventually...

1121 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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