Chapter 14

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(Edited by @KbaeStar)

Sirius and Remus woke up to James squealing and then getting gently shook.

"Ok well you two are adorable but did one of you have a nightmare again? If so then why didn't you wake me up? I want to be able to help too." James asked looking slightly hurt.

"No, we didn't have a nightmare James." Remus said sleepily while pulling Sirius closer to him.

"Then why are you two sharing a bed when you went to sleep in separate beds?" Peter asked, clearly confused.

"Because we both woke up at the same time, talked for a while, got together, and then came back to go to sleep." Sirius stated as if it was a very casual thing.

"Wait your together?" James asked with a massive grin.

"Did I stutter?" Sirius asked with a matching grin.

"Ha! Peter you owe me five pounds!" James said while turning to Peter.

"Fine, oh and congrats you two." Peter sighed while digging out five pounds from his bag.

"Now Frank owes me two pounds, I owe Lilly six pounds and I owe Alice three pounds." James said making Remus and Sirius look at him shocked.

"You bet on us?" Remus asked as he and Sirius sat up.

"Well yah, basically everyone bet on you. Including Slytherins, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuffs." James said with a smug smile.

"Oh, that reminds me. Sev and Lucius own me five pounds each. And I owe Lovegood three pounds." James said while he walked over and grabbed his small pouch of money.

"Really?!" Sirius and Remus asked together, clearly shocked.

"Well yah, you both obviously like each other. Everyone saw how you two hold hands all the time, link arms, hug, cuddle, etc. You two didn't hide it at all." Peter joined in.

"Anyway, lets get ready so I can get my money, give my money, and you two can make it public. Also we have school lessons starting tomorrow too so today is our last day of freedom until the weekend." James said while he started to get ready. 

The others murmured agreements while getting up and ready for the day.

*Once they where all ready and in the Great Hall*

James was collecting and giving his money to everyone he bet with making the news of Sirius and Remus being together spread quickly. The only reason why James was doing this and not waiting is because they didn't stop him so he knew that they thought it would be ok to make them public.

Sirius and Remus where sitting next to each other, holding hands and eating when Snape came over to them.

"Are you two really together?" He asked, not wanting to give Potter his money unless he saw proof.

"Um yah." Remus replied while Sirius held up their interlocked hands.

"You two held hands before you where 'dating' so I need more proof than that." Snape snapped (A/N: I had to). Remus and Sirius looked at each other, silently having a conversation with their eyes.

"Fine, how about this as proof?" Sirius asked after Remus nodded to their silent conversation.

Sirius then leaned up and kissed Remus. It was quick but made quite a few kids cheer and even a few wolf howled (A/N: kind of gross considering they where 11 and it was a very small kiss but whatever).

When they pulled away from the quick kiss they looked towards Severus with blushing faces.

"Fine." Snape said with a heavy sigh before handing a very smug looking James five pounds.

"It was nice doing business with you." James said with a smirk as Snevelous walked back to the Slytherin table.

"Well now that its super public, how about we go to the Three Broomsticks to celebrate?" James asked while putting his money bag into his pocket.

"Sounds fun!" Peter said while the two looked at Sirius and Remus expectantly.

"Um... ok?" Remus said while looking over at Sirius.

"I don't care as long as we get to use my mum's money." Sirius said with a smile, making the others smile as well.

So once they where done with breakfast they left for Hogsmeade again. They hung around the trees for a while before going into The Three Broomsticks (because they just ate).

"Hey hons, what can I get you today?" The lady asked as they all sat down at a table.

"Four Butterbeers please." Sirius said, drawing the waitresses attention to him.

"Alright hon, that will be out in a few." She said before leaving to go get the drinks.

"What was with all of the 'hons'?" Sirius asked the other three, only getting shrugs of the shoulders in response. Soon the lady came back with the four Butterbeers. They thanked her and Sirius payed for the drinks, along with a tip.

"So can we prank the Slytherins tonight? As in set it up tonight but then see them be pranked tomorrow morning?" James asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"Well I still have to go over the true statistics of it all but yah, I think we could do that. But how will we know that we won't be caught?" Remus asked as Sirius moved closer to him, leaning into his side.

"I have a solution for that. I'll show you when we get back to the castle." James said with a grin.

"Ok?" Remus replied while wrapping one of his arms around Sirius.

*After they are done with their drinks and have made it back to the castle*

The four boys entered their dorm room and James instantly went to his trunk at the end of his bed. "This is how we will be sure not to be caught." James said with a smile as he pulled out an old cloak.

"What is that old blanket going to do?" Peter asked as Sirius gasped and Remus raised a brow.

"How the Bloody Hell did you manage to get that?!" Sirius asked as he walked over to James, looking at the cloak up close.

"My dad had it when he was younger, we are a decent of the Peverell family. He was gifted the cloak and gave it to my dad who gave it to me." James said with a large grin. Remus gasped at that. He had read about the Deathly Hollows and the Cloak was one of them.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on and why everyone is gasping?" Peter asked. He was very confused and wanted to know what was so amazing about this blanket.

"Its the invisibly cloak." Remus said as James put it on and "disappeared" into thin air.

"Woah!" Peter squeaked as his eyes widened, looking at the spot where James had just been.

"Brilliant." Sirius said with a wicked grin.

"Is it large enough for us all?" Remus asked as something touched his shoulder.

"It should, it's quite large." James said as he poked his head out of it making him look like he was just a floating head.

"This is so cool." Sirius said while he moved over to James. "Can I try?" He asked nervously.

"Sure." James said as he took it off and handed it to Sirius.

Sirius put it on and giggled. He looked down and didn't see his body. (A/N: He just had his head out of the cloak.) This sent him into a fit of giggles that Remus found absolutely adorable.

"Alright, James you should put it up now. Lunch is in an hour and we still need to figure out how we are going to set this prank up." Remus said making Sirius take the cloak off and hand it to James, still giggling slightly.

So they all sat down and started to work out the prank...

1,292 Words! 4 updates in one day?! Wow!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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