𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. The begining of a new story.

558 14 13

❝All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.❞


Knees pulled onto her chest and chin leaning against them, Cami blank in silence, the cold breeze of the late-night flying through her hair.

Her tongue poked at her inner cheek as she closed her eyes, the edge of her hand instantly wiping the small tear sliding underneath it as her teeth clamped over her quivering lip that seemed to grow white as the 'fang' biting at it sank harder.

The redhead sighed, her head sinking further back and into the harsh wooden surface she was leaning against in the first place.

Having been perched on a tree for the last half hour, her body was sore from the uncomfortable position she was placed in yet she didn't feel it in her to move around due to both the fatigue and the beautiful view that seemed to distract her thoughts.

"I'm here", Henrik whispered, "You can talk to me or not talk to me, but I'm here".

The girl shrugged, her arms drifting over her legs as she placed the side of her face onto it, her back completely bent, "You know that it wasn't your fault", the man spoke, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned to her, "Right?", he added after moments of utter silence.

Ira scoffed, her gaze drifting to his in a way that made it seem like a glare, "I knew that she was going to die but I didn't warn her on time", she breathed out, her chest tight from the feeling of helplessness, "It's my fault", she uttered, fingers tearing through her hair in exasperation, "If I was there a bit faster, she wouldn't have been shot in the first place".

The wizard blank for a few, his figure somehow managing to move next to hers and drape his arm over her shoulder, the freshman snuggling into his hold in a heartbeat.

Gaze zeroing over the beautiful view the Beacon Hills preserve held, the light from the city shone brighter than ever, the distant cars being the only disturbance in the mid of the pure silence that had fallen upon them.

"Most of the world doesn't even know we exist, we hide amongst the shadows and try to live a quiet life", she mumbled, eyes dropping shut, "They don't know about the losses some of us has been through, they don't know about the pain we're taking for them, and those who discovered about us are afraid".

Henrik nodded, his head tipping to look down at her, "One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go", he stated, the girl frowning in confusion, "Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, betrayal or just something as normal as a knowledge one had grown up with", he cleared out with a shake of his head, "Change is never easy", he shrugged.

Camille nodded, her tongue darting over her lip, "Why did she have to die?", she emitted, a salty droplet slipping freely down her cheek, "Why couldn't it be anyone else?", she expressed, Henrik looking up at the branches and leaves that covered the sky, "The innocents are always the first victim, so it has been ages past, so it is now".

The siphoner scoffed, her face burying itself between her hands in despair, "That's absolute bullshit", she emitted, eyes squinting as she shook her head, the blond nodding with a sigh, "Gosh, I feel like an actual crybaby over the last few days", she groaned, hands instantly reaching to sweep the leftovers tears stuck to her cheek before her wrists were grabbed, "Hey. Everybody needs to cry some stuff out. And to be honest, I don't understand how you're still not having a full-on psychotic break down with more than just screaming and crying, you've been through a lot, and that as a fourteen years old teen, I can't imagine how it must feel".

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