𝐯𝐢. Drunk in a dumpster.

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❝The only reason we're alive today is because we broke the rules. .❞


Body laying across the oh-so-known mattress, the quadbrid groaned, the headache in her skull only growing harder as she looked around, eyes falling upon the bored man reading a book on her desk's chair.

"Aren't we gonna tell Freya and the rest of your siblings?", Ira wondered, her back standing straighter as she knelt onto her knees, Henrik shrugging slightly, "I don't know", he spoke, a sigh leaving his lips as he stood up and marched toward his niece's bed, figure flopping onto it.

The teen girl frowned, head pulling upwards as she sniffed the air, "Do you smell that", she wondered aloud, the blond blinking at her in confusion, "Smell what?", he quizzed, the banshee turning to him with a shake of her head, "Gasoline and fire", she noted, eyelids fluttering shut for an instant in a dismissive manner

Her tongue poked at the inside of her cheek, lips pursing tightly, "Where are Allison and Camille?", she questioned, head tipping to the side.

The wizard shrugged, his arm draping over her shoulder as he pulled her into him, "Probably somewhere better", he mumbled, the girl scoffing in return, "Your heart skipped a beat", she sighed, her uncle nodding in return and he blank, "Maybe they like being hidden away from the world", he acknowledged, a small chuckle having his chest heave slightly.

"Maybe it was their way of disappearing under mysterious circumstances".

She nodded quietly, her eyes closing for a second and her brows furrowing slightly, "Your friends took the fact that you talk to a ghost way too normally", the man interrupted her thoughts, his head turning down to look at her, "Wouldn't be the weirdest thing happening around BH", she chuckled, smile falling just as it came.

"What do you think happened back there with Inadu?".

Henrik blank, his lips parting in a heavy breath, "Theoretically speaking", he muttered, face scrunching slightly, "Mother wanted you death and punished the witches for not following her orders by having you kill them", he recalled, the redhead nodding along with a sigh, "But then, you did die, so maybe, the curse was removed", he shrugged, Ira frowning up at him.

Her lips pulled into an uneasy and stressed smile, "I didn't die", she scoffed, tone amused as she watched the blond look down at her with all seriousness, "You did", he spoke, the witch blinking with surprise, "How come?", she breathed out, Henrik staring up at the stars that shone onto the ceiling.

"When you were with Niklaus, even if he wasn't exactly here, the hollow left an imprint on you, one that helped her lure your conscious away from this reality", he stated, continuing as the girl gestured for him to do so, "At that moment, your body was placed into a catatonic like state and your heartbeat stopped for an entire minute".

The quadbrid gulped, her jaw hanging slack for an instant as she instantly rushed downstairs, "Only now did you tell me", she uttered, Henrik quietly following after her, "I'm not supposed to be the one to tell you, you still haven't accepted us as your family", he shrugged, Melissa's chuckles filling their ears as she heard the dramatic gasp her daughter let out, and even tho she had no idea what the conversation was about considering how the ghost's side of the story was inaudible for her, she knew that Cami most likely had punched his arm, which she did.

"Hey, mom", the witch called out, said woman spinning with a large smile, "Hey, sweety", she smiled, eyes wandering the room with a frown, "And Henrik", she added, the wizard nodding in silence as he settled onto the stool, Ira following his form until he was sat.

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