| 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 |

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Miracle stood with her pack next to the gates of the abandoned Oak Creek camp, hand white from the tight hold on her crossbow and lip bloody from how hard she was biting on it, she knew that something wasn't right, the sensation of death was clear yet nobody else seemed to notice.

As Scott gripped the rusty gate, she quickly took a hold of his arm, instantly stopping his movement, he knew that she was scared, and to be honest, he was too, "Look", he started, "You don't have to come with us", the blue eyed girl quickly shook her head.

A defeated sigh escaped her lips as she looked toward her pack, "I don't know what's going to happen inside but I know its bad", she nodded slightly grimacing, "And not to lie, I'm scared. More like terrified", Cami chuckled looking at her feet.

The older teenagers smiled still not getting the point as Allison pulled the shorter girl in a side-hug, "I have a really bad gut feeling about this and, uh", she nodded as Stiles groaned, "Get to the damn point, Cam".

The said girl rolled her eyes, "I may not be the nicest person in the pack or the coziest to be around, -or anywhere near it now that I think about it", she chuckled awkwardly as a knowing look crossed all of their faces, "Is Miracle McCall being emoti-", Isaac teased, an almost proud grin stretching onto his lips before disappearing as fast as it had came.

"One more word, Lahey, one more word and you will loose the ability to have kids."

Camille scoffed continuing her rant, "As I was saying before being rudely interrupted. I care about you guys. You, Lahey, I'm not so sure anymore.

"You guys are my friends, and I may not show it a lot but I really enjoy your company", her brows furrowed in thoughts, "Fuck my friends, you guys are my family. We might be small, weird, and a tiny little broken, some of us might bicker like cats and dogs and constantly throw us in trouble and danger, but I still love you guys, every single one of you idiots."

A round of awe flew between the teenagers as Ira rolled her eyes, "Group hug?", the kitsune suggested, everybody piling into her arms, "What did you do to me?", the brunette pouted, "My cold icy heart is melting because of you nutjobs", she grumbled as Isaac rolled his eyes, the fond smile clear on his features, "And she's back".

The tribrid mockingly bowed, her hands by her sides, the braid and the crossbow completing her Katniss Everdeen's look.

The curly haired werewolf moved the rusty gates as everybody followed after him, "Kira, turn around", a voice spoke, "And take your friends with you".

Ira stopped in her track as she noticed Noshiko,-and her remaining two Onis, trailing in front of the small group. She looked at the young kitsune waiting for her reaction, "I can't", the teen sighed, "When I looked at the game, I realized who I was playing ", she continued standing straighter, "You".

The McCall siblings' head titled slightly as they caught a familiar scent, "She's here", the older stated, Cami walking backward as she held onto his arm and siphoned from him.

She knew that she might need more than a few arrows and supernatural reflexes to survive when the fight starts and hell breaks loose.

"Go save her", she spoke turning her back on Scott and Stiles as she crammed her neck, scanning the area to make sure that it was safe for the human boy to pass too, "Go!", she repeated noticing how they stood still, the two instantly departed on their side of the mission.

𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 || teen wolf x the originals (1)Where stories live. Discover now