𝐢𝐢. Go on a roadtrip, they said.

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❝Family isn't always related by blood, but by the people who stand by you when chaos strikes.❞


"Beacon Hills, I think she lives there", she repeated, smiling, yet as she tried to stand up, a wave of vertigo passed through her making her almost fall if it wasn't for her mother holding her before she could come in contact with the floor.

"What's wrong?", she asked, worried for her daughter, "I don't know, it felt like if I was hit in the head", Hope groaned clutching her temples, the three supernaturals turned to the elder witch of the family, "I think it is because of the connection between her and Miracle that has been restored".

"Camille", Hope corrected, -her voice seemingly deeper as it mixed with a small groan, their attention set on the sudden interruption, "She doesn't like to be called Miracle, too outformal".

Hayley smiles at the nickname as she, once again, turned to her witch friends, "It's called the twins bond, all of the supernatural twins share their pain, so it means something bad's happening to Ray".

As the last words left the 1000 years old Mikaelson witch, her family, -Ranya included, tensed up knowing that the hidden Mikaelson might be in danger.

A feeling of fear was spread in the Mikaelsons' household, something that was quite rare since them being the great invincible family, the oldest creatures on earth.

But what nobody knew was that the only fear that they could show was when the danger was surrounding their family members, the time with The Hollow has shown their compassion, and the fear that surrounded the great Original Hybrid for the safety of his daughters.

"Is there any way that we could find out what's happening to her", the Alpha Queen asked, the witches nodding their heads once again waiting for the eldest to explain, "It's kind of a vision spell, Ranya could you please grab the candles, while you Hope give me a drop of your blood", she spoke pointing at each one of them.

"Both of yours actually".

Freya demanded, a better idea crossing her mind.

The three started working on their side of the mission, Hope and Hayley's blood dripping into the bowl that Freya had fetched, -Hope flinching slightly as the old knife cut through her flesh, and Ranya's candle lightening the large room.

Their hands laced through each other's in a sort of connection, a connection other than the spell and which could never be broken, the one that always reunited their family together no matter what.

As the three witches started chanting, the flames lighting the candles grew wilder creating a warm and cozy light forming around the people standing in the middle of the circle, their worry grew higher as their vision blurred for them to be met by another of the daughter, the niece, the twin, -and the goal, they believed to never see/reach once more.

The vision slowly became clearer as the Mikaelsons seemed to appear in some sort of room which contained sinks and a dirty floor, it walls' tiles were broken, creating a cell-like environment.

But none of that caught their attention more than the sight of a group of teenagers, and most importantly, a young girl with long curly brown hair, which almost looked red, and baby blue eyes who was just standing up from the floor, dusting herself.

"What do they want with Lydia?", Scott asked as he turned to his pack, "Wait, they took Lydia?", Ira groaned as her head was still pounding from the past event, "Yea", Stiles sighed.

The two siblings walked to the cell door trying to open it, Scott with his claw and Camille with her magic, "They took my bracelet?".

She questioned in confusion, voice seemingly childish due to her mind still not having adjusted to her surroundings, "It's just a bracelet", Stiles commented from the other side of the room, angered that they had took his once, -and forever to be, crush.

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