𝐢. The light in the darkness

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❝When you think that all hope is lost, all you need to do is believe.❞


Through the large streets of Mexico walked three teenagers, looking around, "This is so wrong", the youngest whispered as Stiles' head snapped toward her, "It doesn't seem so bad", he shrugged fixing the plaid shirt he wore, "It's not the city, it's the plan"

The strawberry blonde whispered, the blue eyed girl still glaring at the spazzy boy, "This place is sketchy but pretty", Miracle continued, " In a way".

"Camille, will you please tell your best friend that there is nothing wrong with the plan?", he spoke turning to the brunette with a pleading look, "You want me to lie?", she asked, her features showed chock, but they all knew it was only a joke, "But my mommy always says lying is bad", Ira said imitating a child's voice as he groaned loudly.

Stiles looked at the strawberry blonde in a questioning way, "What's wrong with the plan?", he asked, clearly offended, as the Martin girl shared a look with her best friend, "Stiles, you're aware that this could be the stupidest plan you've ever came up with", Lydia started, her brows furrowing, "You realize that, right?", she spoke noticing his confusion.

"I'm aware it's not our best", he sighed avoiding their stares, Miracle's arm instantly poked his side as she was bored, her fingers repeatedly hitting the red fabric he wore, yet Stiles did not pay any attention to it.

"Yup, the end is near, Lydia", she whispered looking at her partner in crime, her hand not stilling from its action.

"The end is near", Ira huffed precising every word, "Are you saying that as a banshee or just being pessimistic", Stiles sassed getting annoyed by the two girls' attitude and Miracle's poking, "She's saying it as a person that doesn't want to die", Lydia exclaimed as Ira adjusted her braid, her other hand still hitting the spazzy teen.

"God Cami, would you stop that", he groaned trying to hit her but she only avoided every move as Lydia watched in amusement.

Stiles groaned, his eyes rolling, it being an habit he used whenever somebody crossed his decisions, "Okay, would you two mind restricting any talk of death to actual banshee predictions".

He huffed, Miracle grinning as turned to the elder girl, "This plan is stupid and we're going to die", they chorused in a sing-song while smiling innocently only annoying the Stilinski teen to no end, the latter humming sarcastically.


The sound of papers flipping filled Hope's ears as she walked around the compound's living room searching for the attic's key, as she turned around, she could see her aunt, mother, and Ranya sitting in the middle of it, her eyes closed as she tried to remember where she had placed her key.

"Have anybody seen my key?", she asked as her attention drifted toward her mom, she shook her head lifting it from between the spellbook, Hope groaned spinning around continuing her quest as Freya called after her.

"Library", she spoke her eyes roaming over the paper, the tribrid's eyebrows grew closer as she grimaced, "Why are my keys in the library?", she blinked in confusion walking to said room, she quietly looked around for the silvery object which was placed on the table in the middle of the quite big room.

Hope rolled her eyes lifting the object in her hand without further questions as she left the room climbing up to hers.

Closing the door behind her, a book placed on her bed caught her attention. She knew that she wasn't the one who placed it there and that her family was too busy to leave the living room.

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