𝐯. The void screams back.

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❝A ghost, as I trust that you are all aware by now, is the imprint of a departed left upon the earth.❞


Figure moving through the Dunbar's backyard, Ira bent onto the grassy ground, one of the windows having been dragged open and a confused blond parking out from it.

"Camille?", he blank, said girl slowly standing up and waving at him, "Why is Cami here?", a voice wondered, footsteps pressing against the creak floor inside of the beta's room, "Mase?", the quadbrid quizzed, her head tilting ever so slightly as the boy starred at in suspicion.

Letting her climb into the room, the two males backed up slightly, their brows knitting closer and their arms simultaneously crossing over their chests, "Dude, why are you here?", the dark skinned boy repeated, his eyes squinting as he tried to hold back the smile growing onto his face, the nervousness radiating from the redhead amusing him to no end.

Ira shrugged, her feet anxiously shuffling underneath as if she was dancing , "I could ask you the same question", she mumbled, eyes blinking the playstation that was left untouched from the earlier night.

Her head perked up slowly and eyes grew wide as Mason's heartbeat picked up slightly, him coughing out in a laugh and throwing himself onto Liam's bed as a distraction, "He's not my type", he stated, the blond blinking in offense as Cami laughed out.

"That's rude".

The quadbrid cooed at him, his arm swatting her own before they could reach his cheeks and pinch together.
His figure tipped to the side and his hands grasped at Miracle's shoulders to keep himself upwards, "Does that still makes me attractive to gay guys?.

Camille frowned, her lips pursing together as she attempted to hide a smile from growing onto them, a strangled laugh leaving her as she shook her head.

"Keep it in your pants, my dudes", she warned, a victorious grin blooming onto her features as she watched Liam grumble to himself on his way out to grab his laptop from downstairs.

Cami, looking at her best friend, rose a brow, her eyes squinting as she doubled in laughter, "What?", the remaining boy quizzed, figure stretching over the bed he was laying upon as the female smiled, "Sometimes you're just too gay to function", she teased, Mason nodding with a mocking chuckle that only had her laugh louder.

"Since when did I become Damien?", he wondered, the blue eyed girl scoffing in return as she plopped next to him, "Since you tried hitting on every single guy on the lacrosse team in hopes of finding your type", she chuckled, the boy laying in front of her nodding faintly, "Who does that make you?".

The witch frowned, her head tilting to look up at him as she hummed as an answer, "Cady or Janis?", he cleared out, the tribrid scoffing almost instantly, "Janis, obvi", she stated, Mason frowning slightly as he looked down at her, "Who's my Cady then?", he questioned, eyes squinting in a way that had Camille giggle at the action, her fingers tracing over the barely visible bags under her friend's eyes, inaudibly stating that he should get more sleep.

"Liam would look good as a Cady Heron".


Figures surrounding the large table set in the kitchen as they starred onto the four laptops placed onto its surface, the McCall pack, plus Hope and Ranya to Iracle's displeasure, they all frowned, the kitsune turned to them in confusion.

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