𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. Season of the witches.

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❝She has witchcraft in her lips.❞


Blue orbs opening, Miracle groaned in discomfort, her body being carried by somebody as her hands sleepily tapped onto the person's shoulder, the muscly boy groaning as he grabbed her wrist, "That's my nose, Cam".

The witch looked up, light seeping into her eyes as she blank, "What the hell!", the red head exclaimed as her body was discarded onto a jumpy mattress, "Not the time to be sleeping, kid", the older boy stated, his body jumping onto the bed as it dipped with his weight.

"Why, what happened?", she quizzed, figure jumping up as she stared at her best friend and brother, "Because, Scotty dearest over here bit lover boy over there", the hazel eyed boy mocked, his hand pointing at the cracked bathroom door, the shorter girl blinking at it in confusion.

As her head titled sideway, her brows furrowed, "Who's lover-", she questioned, sentence cutting halfway as the events came back to her, her jaw dropping slack in chock, "Oh my god, you bit Liam!", she uttered, said boys whimpers filling her ears as she lifted a pillow from the pile behind her.

The soft tissue was instantly pressed onto as she muffled a raging scream, her legs kicking at the floor, "You good there?", Stiles chuckled, eyes blinking down at her, "Perfect", Miracle smiled, her arm throwing the pillow at older alpha, her hands running over her hair in frustration.

"So you bit him?", Stiles sighed, his brother only nodding to the obvious question, "Yeah", he spoke, "And you kidnapped him?", the witch nodded, her tongue darting over he lower lip as she crossed her legs under her body, "Yeah", her brother responded, upper lip moving sideway as he grimaced.

Stiles scoffed, his head looking up as he breathed out, "And then you brought him here", he suggested, the female nodding in agreement, "Which means he can press charges with address already in mind", she sighed.

"He can press charges with or without it, he knows your name", the hazel eyed boy corrected, "Both of yours".

"I panicked", the latino boy exclaimed in defense, his features holding a worried expression, "Yup", Stiles nodded, his tone mocking as ran his fingers over his hair, "This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?".

Muffled cries sounded from the bathroom, the teen's attention setting onto the unlocked space as the youngest whistled, head shacking in defeat, "Probably".

Stiles nodded, a overcame sigh tumbling off of his lips, "As a reminder", he stated, "This is why Lexie and I always come up with the plans, your plans suck", the hazel eyed boy scoffed, head titling slightly as he overtought his idea, "Yours too when you listen to him".

"I know, which is why I called you", Scott explained looking at his spazzy best friend in desperation, Stiles sighing as he shook his head before getting up the latino boy following after him as they brought Liam out of the bathroom and tied him up to a chair.

The group moved in front of him as they stared down at him, head closing her eyes as she looked up, body moving onto her tip toes, "Liam, we're going to take the tape out of your mouth, if you scream, it goes right back on", Stiles spoke, "If you talk quietly, it stays off, got it?", he ordered, his finger pointing toward the younger boy whom glared up at him and his friend, his head nodding in defeat.

The taller boy nodded, eyes turning to his sister as she blank boredly up at him, her lips muttering under her breath as the grey tape sealing the freshman's mouth disappeared, "Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight.

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