𝐱𝐯𝐢. As the prophecy foretold. {1}

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❝Every youngest daughter looks like the female version of her father.❞


Eyes turning to the sky above her, Miracle sighed, the cold air nipping at her skin as she pulled her legs to her chest, a shiver passing through her body in an instant.

The witch yawned, mouth wide open as she lazily pulled her hand to cover it.

Over the past few minutes she had thought it all and to be honest, she found it quiet ironic.

Her name was Miracle, that means that she was born as something positive that wasn't supposed to happen yet did and that for both families, whether her own by blood or the one she grew with, and only few days after her delivery was she cursed, she thinks.

She didn't understand how, was she born with it through a long serie of ancestors? or was it placed on her at birth? either way, it didn't help the current depressed state she was in.

Her mind racked through many possibilities of avoiding it, and even tho she knew that they were small, she couldn't help but think each and every one of them as she shivered into the cold breeze, her naked back pressed against the freezing headstone doing nothing to help her warm up.

Camille sighed in tiredness, her hand placing itself onto the ground in attempt to find any source of magic along the dead bodies buried around her, a small spark glowing into her skin as she grinned, her lips muttering a heating spell almost instantly.

The redhead smiled softly, her eyes dropping slightly as the fatigue from the earlier shift and the crying she had spent doing took over her, yet as they finally closed, a loud whoosh of air made them shoot back open almost instantly as her head snapped toward the sound, gaze falling upon the dirty blond man with clothes in his hand.

Miracle's arms wrapped around her body as she faced forward, her back encountering her father's figure standing a few feet away from her.

The situation was way too awkward for any of the two to speak so he only placed the bunch of clothes a few steps away from his original location and turned around, the quadbrid looking back almost instantly as she pulled the clothes toward her, her arms flying around her to place them on as fast as she could.

"You can turn", she sighed, voice smaller then ever as she leaned back against the headstone, Klaus nodding slightly as he joined her side, each of the two facing forward without any words.

The silence was almost deafening yet neither of them knew what to say, Miracle only nodding ever slightly as she looked up, her eyes boring into Klaus' head, "So, you're my father", she spoke, the man only nodding as he turned to the younger girl, her eyes snapping away as they trailed over the tombstones surrounding her.

"And I'm cursed", she continued, brows furrowing slightly, she knew that it was too early for the conversation but she couldn't help but wonder, because if she knew the origins of it then maybe, just maybe, there was a way of stopping it.

If it was placed on her at birth it would have been quiet easy to get rid of, all she had to do is find another siphon that could get it out of her, but if it had been a prophecy of some sort, then she knew that there was no escaping it.

Klaus sighed, his tongue escaping the confines of his mouth as it ran over his lip, the hybrid nodded, "Can we talk somewhere more peaceful then a graveyard?", he wondered, his daughter only scoffing as she shook her head.

"There's nothing to talk about".

The man nodded, a heavy breath leaving him as he turned to the headstone he was leaning against, his eyes roaming over the name forged onto it, "Who's our dead friend?", he quizzed, a small smile itching onto his face as the teen girl glared at him, "Respect the dead", she mumbled, head shacking as she looked away.

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