𝐢𝐢𝐢. Featuring a werewolf, a mercenary, and a girl with an extreme hero complex.

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❝A cynical, mercenary, demagogic presses will in time produce people as the base itself.❞


As the air blew through her hair, Ira couldn't help but feel happiness build inside her, a smile graced her lips as her hair blew behind hair.

The black bag that was perched on her back was securely attached to it as the wind created by their speed made the ribbons move backward, her hand flying behind her feeling it to make sure that her camera was still in there.

Since her best friend's death, her smiles seemed to get dimer, no longer giving that happy spark, the camera that was a gift from the huntress was one of the few sources that brought it to its origins, it was quite tragic if some may say, suddenly losing that happy person, no more having them to brighten up your day nor smiling the same about everything.

The fallen huntress had taken a piece of the young girl when she left, a piece that nobody could fill. Allison had been, -and will always be, one of the closest persons to her, she trusted her with her deepest secrets, things that nobody knew about her, not even her own brothers.

And even tho Miracle was known for her sometimes bad temper, her craziness, her stubbornness, and being sometimes cold-hearted, that didn't stop people from loving her, because compared to those things, she had more to give, things that only a few saw in her.

She was bold, she was brave, she was daring. She was kind, she was passionate and sometimes shy. She was a friend, a daughter, a sister, a survivor, but mostly a fighter. She was the leader of the wolves, and she howled the loudest at the moon.

She was like the feeling of knowing everything was going to be okay in the end, like knowing that the sun will rise, or that the stars will light the sky in the darkness, she was, -most of the time, the reason to her pack members' smile, and for that they were grateful.

She was a result of the war that she, surprisingly and weirdly, found the positivity in and turned into a better point of view with a most strategical plan where it was all rainbows and sunshine making her the pack's Bloom.

The bike's engine seemed to come to a halt as the young girl's head snapped toward Braeden's back, the latter standing up from her seat and walking over to the blue Jeep who, apparently, stopped too.

"What happened?".

Miracle decided to stay on the motorcycle as Braeden made her way toward the tribrid's pack, "It felt like something hit us", Stiles answered confused by his own words, the mercenary turned to look at the alpha with an almost pleasing look.

"Scott, we have to get there by night, it's too dangerous otherwise", she spoke as she looked at the short girl to back her up, "It's true, la Iglesia is known for being the territory of supernatural creatures, which means we should get there while she can still see too".

The spazzy boy's attention drifted toward her, "From where do you know this stuff?", he questioned as his eyes blinked in confusion, he knew that she read, a lot, but he supposed that just like him, those were all about her fandom's which to his luck, were mostly the star wars series or the Harry Potter's.

"I read. A lot. Like all the time. Did you just deny our SWS?", she asked in disbelief, for the duo, they always tried to free their Sundays so the could re-read the entire Star Wars book series for the millionth time, which always took them to either pull an all-nighter or start on a Saturday.

"Never would I betray my princess Leia", he answered in offense as he could not believe what she was accusing him of, star wars was his life, and the fact that his other best friend hasn't watched it yet was still driving him mad.

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