𝐢𝐱. The edge of all we've ever known.

485 11 9

❝If you're going through hell, keep going.❞


As Camille sneakily marched toward Derek's loft, her figure blended with the shadow of the night, her presence barely known to the lovebirds preparing for their 'first real date'.

Footsteps as quiet as she could muster to keep them, -to hopefully not break her brother's loving atmosphere-, she quickly climbed up the outside stairs and leaned against the side of the large window displaying the darkened woods to the two inside, their voices barely audible to the surveilling redhead.

Basically, after her little chat with the kitsune, the latter has asked for her to keep watch over the loft in fears that both hers and Lydia's prediction come true, but not about Derek, but about a death in his habitat.

Her eyes traveled around the area in silence, a barely visible movement catching her attention and she stood straighter, her ears picking at the faint growls issuing from the woods.

The siphoner blank for a few, the vibrations and loud thuds only growing louder as they started to approach her and she frowned, the sudden figures appearing in front of her catching her off guard and she backed away with a gasp.

As her Kate and her berserkers came in view, Miracle sighed with a shake of her head, "Jeez", she let out, "I thought it was someone important", she added, her palm resting over her racing heart as the werejaguar growled disapprovingly.

The blonde marched forward, the freshman only raising a questioning brow, "Can we move this somewhere else?", she quizzed, arms stirring to emphasize her point, "They deserve to be happy for a few".

Kate scoffed, her hand ushering for her followers to attack the smirking witch whose hands flared in a circle which formed a defensive shield in front of her, said barrier dropping almost instantly and she was, -rather harshly, pushed backward by one of the two creatures.

The large wall of glass broke as her back made contact with it, her figure tumbling to the ground in front of the two shocked juniors and Kate joined the scene, her laughter filling the air as Miracle groaned loudly.

"I'm starting to consider Hayley's offer", she uttered.

Her lids closed and she puffed her cheek, her arms reaching behind her and she slowly stood up, Scott blinking at her in disbelief, "What are you doing here?!", he exclaimed, eyes wide open and he squinted at her, "Banshee senses", she scoffed, Kate rolling her eyes as her berserkers ran forward, each of them going for the kitsune and alpha whilst the blonde bounced at the quadbrid.

The two growled at each other, and, claws tearing at each other's skin, -the wounds healing instantly, their fangs barred animalistic-ally and territorially.

As her side was met with one of the supports the loft held, the girl grumbled under her breath, the werejaguar's hysterical laughter drowning her brother's growls and the kitsune's chain as she watched them both fail miserably.

Slowly sitting up and watching her brother dragged himself next to her, Camille looked up, her gaze meeting Kate's hateful glare which only had her roll her eyes, "What do you want from us?", Scott questioned, the older woman chuckling bitterly, "I want a little of insight, Scott", she stated, said boy frowning visibly, "To what?", his sister joined in, her features just as confused.

"My family", the blonde emitted, "The Argent family has been around for over 400 years", she scoffed, brows knitting close, "A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of werewolf hunters", she spat, her form leaning next to the two, "But somehow", she scoffed, "In less than a year.

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