𝐱𝐢. Decapitated in a parking lot, beautiful way to die.

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❝Sometimes the truest strength comes when you have someone you want to protect.❞


Figure leaning onto the ground, Miracle looked up, her hair falling into long loose waves of curls surrounding her back.

Her eyes glew their red color as she growled lowly, her head titling slightly and chuckling aggressively, the action being a distraction used to help her hold her shift back until the older hybrids brought the chains.

"Guys, please be quick, I don't think I can hold it any longer", she called out, the claws extracting from the tip of her fingers digging into the muddy floor, Klaus' figure leaning over her own.

His eyes were full of sympathy, one that the tribrid despised, a small glare settling into her features as she looked down, a pained cry leaving her fang full lips.

The blond frowned, Hayley joining his side as she crouched next to him, "Why would we chain you?", Klaus questioned, his voice having the younger girl turn to him, a panicked look crossing her features, "I can't run free in the woods, please!".

Klaus' brows grew closer, his senses catching onto the panic radiating from his daughter, "Why not?", he pressed, Miracle groaning in response, her eyes red as her voice broke into a growl.

"Because the last time that I did, a man lost his life, and it's entirely my fault", she cried out, an involuntary pained sob slipping past her lips, the movement of her spine having her figure bend forward.

The teen girl's teeth coached against each other, her eyes closing in despair as she waited for the pain that would most likely take hours to pass.

Hayley frowned, her attention setting onto the unfocused girl, her hand reaching to stroke her hair backwards, "Focus on your anchor", she stated, it being the only way that many rogue wolf get their control back.

Camille scoffed, "I don't have an anchor", she growled, the anger coming from the full moon shooting into a glare sent toward the brunette hybrid who frowned slightly, her head nodding in understandement.

"Your pack", Klaus spoke, a small crease settling between his brows, "Your pack is your anchor, wolves get attached to their packs with an indescribable loyalty, think of them and you will most likely anchor your shift to a regular one".

The tribrid looked up, her eyes closing in an attempt to focus on her supposed to be anchor, her pack, all of them, her 'alpha' and her own sarcasm cloud, her stylist and her psychiatrist, her den mate and her Japanese trainer, -and the new addition, the blue eyed puppy.

A small smile grew onto her lips, the small dimples decorating her cheeks appearing softly as her the corner of her mouth rose upwards, her thoughts settling back on the many battles she had fought with each member, the late nights passed studying with the girls and the official star wars night with her brother.

The shifting teen's heart grew steadier, her chest heaving lowly as her form slowly contorted onto her wolf one, furry white hair spourting through her flesh and easily replacing it, her spine stretching into a tail and her face growing into a animalistic one.


(at the lake house)

Being surrounding by a bunch of older people was never great, let along them telling you that something which you've never believed in existed, it could make you feel anxious, overwhelmed, cautious, and in Liam Dunbar's case, angry.

The freshman starred at the group of people surrounding him with an almost bored look, his eyes settling on each and every one of them.

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