𝐱. Dimplery and graveyardery. {final}

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❝I have more power in my pinky than anyone on this planet.❞


"Happy birthday to you!".

Rolling around her bed and snuggling closer to her teddy bear, the redhead growled as she tried to block the voices suddenly filling her once quiet room, the group ignoring her attempts to go back to sleep, "Shut up, It's not my birthday", she stated tiredly, Henrik and Lydia laughing in return as they, unbeknownst to the banshee, spoke in sync, "Yes, it is, silly!", they shouted in almost disbelief and annoyance.

Miracle span around to face her pack, her features showing them just how irritated she was, "It's not my birthday", she screeched, her arm reaching for the device placed on the small bedside table, "It's still the, uh-", she mumbled, vision slightly foggy as she looked down at her screen, her eyes squinting down at it.

"2 May", the witch let out, her face falling considerably and she blank in chock, her features holding no emotions to a point that it had her pack wonder what she was thinking of, little did they know, the Mikaelson girl was overthinking her last fourteen, now officially fifteen, years of living in barely 5 seconds.

Head tipping to the side with a small shrug, the girl chuckled with an almost sad and apologetic smile forming into her lips as she moved her knees underneath her weight, the duvet slipping down to her lap, "Happy birthday to me", she giggled.

Cake lit with candles in hand, Melissa walked forward, her cheek pulling up as she looked down at her daughter, "Make a wish", she whispered gently and she watched Camille's backstretch upward and her lids close in focus.

Lips pulling slightly forward as she blew into the small decoration placed on the desert in front of her, the blue-eyed female smiled with a small giggle, "Teeth", the curly haired woman let out, her daughter's smile growing wider as she laughed.

Lexie tiptoed next to her wolf and she gripped her arm, yanking her to her feet with one pull, "Gift time", she stated with a dismissive flick of her head, "Teeth and packing", Iracle breathed out, her digits twirling the necklace place around her neck.

The coyote frowned, "Why are you packing today?", she wondered in curiosity, Miracle's neck craning to look up almost as if to escape eye contact, "Because I have a 28 hour trip for tonight and another 15 hours one right after it", she nodded with a small wince like action caused by the early overthinking of the exhaustion and the spine breaking of 43 hours in one position.

"And say that I thought Stiles was the one to overthink and calculate that", Liam mumbled, his crush scoffing with a head shake and a hard slap onto the his shoulder, "He's my brother, dumbass, don't you think I would've caught a habit or two?".

The blond shrugged, slowly backing away as Camille glared at him with a laugh bubbling out of her chest as she noticed the fear that had flourished into him and almost had him freeze in panic.

Her cheeks stretched upwards as the barely visible dimples popped into them, her eyes blinking almost dreamily and she moved toward her bathroom whose door she closed.

With a heavy sigh, her eyes wandered around the now fully empty room, the small hair comb and toothpaste along its brush placed onto the vacant counter.

Her gaze trailed over her form standing in front of the mirror, a sad smile pushing into her face as she reached for the items set in front of her and quietly used each in order.

Reaching for the knob, the girl sighed, her back standing straighter as she snatched it open and leaned against its side, the main four members of the pack chatting in hushed voices which instantly grew silent as they noticed the redhead.

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