𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. When hell rose on earth.

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❝She remembered who she and that's when the game changed.❞


Figure kneeling against the blue locker, Miracle's chest heaved slightly, her back bended as she pulled her leg towards her chest, her chin placing itself over her knee.

The redhead eyes travelled lazily over the walking teenagers, a mesmerized smile on her face as she thought back to the time where she had no idea of what her future would have been, the time where her only problems were grades, her confused sexual orientation and her daddy issues.

From her current point of view and as a fourteen years old caught in a world full of death, the girl felt rather lonely, her life having been quiet literally twisted upside down as she wished to go back to the happier and simpler times, when she was just a kid with mundane struggles.

As loud footstep filled her ears, the wolf looked up, a soft creasing having settled between her brows and an entertained look crossing her face.

She smiled, a loud laugh leaving her lip as she stood up dusting herself, Hope joining her side in a dash, her breath heavy as she panted rather loudly, "Didn't know a tribrid with fast reflexes could sweat this much", she snickered, the blonde glaring up at her with a barely visible smile.

"Says the girl who fell to the ground just staring at a clawed hand that almost went straight through her stomach", the older witch teased, Cami raising a brow in return, "I mean, I've already had an ancient katana go right through", she laughed out, her eyes squinting as she nodded, "A clawed hand wouldn't hurt as bad".

Hope frowned, a worried look on her features, "You've been stabbed by a katana", the girl repeated in a chocked statement, "Fun fact; I still have it in that huge box at the end of my bed", the redhead laughed, Hope nodding, impressed by the information.

"I can't tell if that's cool or if you're just crazy", she chuckled, Ira shrugging slightly, "Most likely crazy but shhh, nobody needs to know".

The taller teen smiled, her hand shutting an invisible zip on her lips, the redhead bursting into laughters.

She nodded slightly, a slightly serious look taking place onto her face, "Back to the main reason you're here", she spoke, her arms linking with her twin's, "I need your help with a spell which needs more than one witch", Cami stated, her lips pursing slightly.

Hope nodded, her tongue poking at the inside of her cheek, "Let me go get Ranya, she kind of hates P.E", the girl chuckled, her sister nodding in return as she laughed, "Who doesn't?".

The blonde turned around, her figure picking a slight jog towards the lacross field, "Wait!", Ira called after her, the older teen frowning as she looked at her, "I forgot my stuff at yours yesterday!".


Car door opening from inside, the three girls pulled out of the 's car, him cracking into a loud laugh as they raced toward the house standing tall in front of them, -soon enough following after them.

The witches piled inside the house in a rush to find the oldest of them, Hope rushing upstairs with the younger two on her trail, "Auntie Freya!", the blonde called out, her voice booming through the upper hall as a loud groan was heard from one of the rooms.

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