𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊: 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰.

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(this book is very badly written, it was 2019 😂💀)


❝Because love is the most powerful magic of all.❞


Once upon a time, there was a majestic king who lived with his noble brother in a colorful kingdom where music and art were celebrated.

The king did not previous having a child, let along two, but he lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible.

In time, he was blessed with two beautiful baby daughters, for whom, he wished only peace and happiness.

Still, the king had demons who pursued him, there was a ruthless monster who wanted to take the kingdom for her own.

Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical beings from the land with her wicked sorceresses who owned enchanted stones that weakens the kingdom every full moon.

Seeing the shadow, enemies caught upon his home, the king was driven to send his beloved princesses away convincing all human-made that they were forever lost.

The king, in his sorrow, turned away from the world, the castle closed its doors, and the kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shone in the castle illuminated the shadow of the once mercy king in the room meant for his children.

But as the ruthless beast took rule of the fallen king's throne, little did they know that he and his brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished for they believed that one day they will heal their kingdom and bring their princesses back so that they might live.

Happily ever after.

But as the peace settled in his land and his family once again reunited, his youngest heir was never found, he searched sky and earth in his quest but all in failed attempts, the king felt useless once again, and even tho his kingdom rose, his happiness wasn't full since after only a year of his reconquer, a prophecy fell upon his shoulder.

❝ Drink deep but beware

What you broke is past repair

All your oaths you betray, your sacred vows you sever

And now you see that nothing lasts for always and forever

Three yet remain, two already crossed

Yet in one year's time, you'll all be lost

As your family is undone

You will seed the beast that is to come.❞

The visions kept fulfilling and their hope of survival redeemed, the king's only regret being his lost daughter and how he couldn't keep his queen's promise.

The prophecy predicted the imminent destruction of the merciful king, the noble brother, and the truthful angel as the result of a mysterious weapon that was predicted to be referred to as 'The Beast'.

'One shall fall by friend, one by foe and one by family', the king took cautious from all his kingdom's being, but he did not expect that two of the most loyal of his allies to turn their back on him.

The foe ended up being his first sire, his closest friend, and someone who used to be family, the foe ended the eldest brother by a bite and the eldest sister by poison, and 'The Beast' was none other than the merciful king's son, the boy he raised from ash.

The son ended the noble brother by a powerful bite, the truthful angel, who he fondly fell in love with, by an accidental hex, and the merciful king by a witch's blade locking him in a dungeon for years.

Yet the family did not give up.

The elder sister put each of the dying members in a chambre de chasse keeping them safe until their wolf queen saved each of them from their misery, the bites healed, the hex was erased, the curse removed, and the king rescued.

The latter was banished from his kingdom as his son took control over it letting them live in a small land as long as they don't step foot in the kingdom, but the danger was yet to come.

An old spirit plaguing the street of the kingdom took advantage of the magical creatures of the land and their desperation to save themselves from The Beast's reign.

After being freed from her prison, the evil witch sought six young fairies from the land as her source of power, the princesses included yet she didn't show the location of the youngest; however, she was unsuccessful with her attempt.

The evil witch continued to crave more power, sacrifices beings created and tainted by powerful magic, including both the merciful king and The Beast; them being the second most powerful magical beings in the land.

Though they were saved before her doing so, she earned enough power to physically materialize in the living world.

Through and through, the king and his son grew closer, both willing to protect the princesses. All the magical inhabitants of the land feared the wicked witch and what her new powers could do.

Due to the death of her body, the wicked spirit, -using her mastery over possession, inhabited the oldest princess until her spirit was divided and separated into four of the kingdom's royal, the merciful king, the loyal knight, the truthful angel, and the noble brother sending each of them into another land away from the beautiful princess, the eldest witch, and the wolf queen with the king's son by his love's side; the truthful angel.

As the danger grew in the kingdom, the princess was sent to study magical arts in another village near her home, yet she felt lonely.

Keeping her identity a secret meant no friends, and she hated it.

Noticing that, the wolf queen started her research to heal her youngest from the fate placed above her and bring back to where the last few family members were.


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