𝐢𝐯. Four birds. No stone. Please don't kill my birds.

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(I have added Ranya into this and the earlier chapter)


❝Are you insane like me? 've been in pain like?❞


Hands tightening their grip around the sink as she groaned, Camille blank, groaning as she was met by piercing red eyes and a clawed mouth starring into the mirror in front of her.

Her head snapped to the side, Scott growling from the sink set next to her as he, same as the freshman, couldn't control his wolf side, a loud knocking filling their senses causing them to wince, "Scott?", a voice called out from outside the locker room, "Ira?".

The two groaned, the tapping continuing its annoying noise, "You've been in there a long time, you all right?", Natalie Martin quizzed, voice worries as her knuckles assaulted the wooden surface, "Hey, you need to come back with the others", she spoke, the sibling focusing their wills on controlling the situation at hand, head looking down as they dropped down and onto the nearest locker.


Saying that she was close to falling unconscious was an understatement, her head thumped and her limbs ached, ears filled with the voices of the dead surrounding her, bones feeling an agonizing pain and a soft red hue glowing over her slumped form, Ira groaned, a pained whimper leaving her as the door snapped against its frame, footstep marching toward both her and Scott.

Form filling the corner of her blurred eyes, Scott growled, eyes blinking tiredly as he only starred forward, energy drowned out of her figure to a point that he could not even turn to look at the man standing behind him, Yukimura, "Get Stiles", he breathed out, the banshee groaning as her hands flew to her ears in defeat, drums bleeding out as the screams around her bounced through its walls.


Figures throwing themselves across the metallic lockers, the supernaturals groaned, Stiles and the Japanese man staring at them in worry, "It's still happening", the later spoke, eyes wandering around each of the teens, and as they fell upon the unconscious redhead, his gaze softened.

The hazel eyed boy bent down slightly, his hands grabbing the kleenex the dark skinned girl had handed to him and using it to wipe crimson liquid flowing freely from her ears and the sweat dripping down out of her forehead.

"She's getting worst", he sighed, arms reaching down to pull her onto him as he held her in his arms and stood up, -knowing fully well that the glow surrounding her will hurt any supernatural if they were to touch her considering how it most likely was her siphoning side activating itself on it's own, as Malia's growls of pain filling his ears, "I can't make them go back", she groaned, the teacher nodding in agreement.

"Obviously the virus is affecting the three of you in a way that won't any human being", he explained, head shacking slightly as he nodded toward the whimpering redhead, "For Miracle, it will be even worst, three supernaturals in one", he breathed out, Scott sighing as he nodded, "Makes sense to why she was shutting somebody up before she was knocked out", he notes, Stiles' brow raising instinctively, "You guys have to stay out of sight.

"We have to quarantine you from the quarantine".

Ranya shrugged, face scrunching in pure of confusion, "Yeah, but where?", she quizzed, head tilting to the side, "I mean, what if they get violent?", Kira jumped in, eyes zeroing over the growling juniors and the dizzy looking freshman, "Like on a full moon, the witch night or the screaming panick attack".

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