𝐢. I should have stayed in bed.

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❝Keep searching for the colors when everything turns gray.❞


Her aching limbs stretched out, bones cracking from sleep. The bed underneath her weight was plush, her body tangled in the layers of soft cotton that didn't help her mission to awake.

Miracle's hair was messy, strewn across the white, tan and gray pillows. The gray duvet covered the tan sheets, her body sticking to the white fitted sheet.

The witch sat up slowly, scanning her surroundings carefully. Where am I?, she wondered, her mind hazy from the earlier event that she didn't seem to remember.

The dark walls offered no evidence of where she had awoken, the lone window in the room showing the early morning's sky that seemed to spread light in the room that clearly wasn't hers.

She slipped from the bed, a chill running down her spine from the air dancing over on her skin, bare feet touching the ground, padding across the dark carpet to the door.

Her eyes lazily wondered the hallway standing across from her, her eyes dilating as they adjusted to the light and the new found environment, her brows growing closer in a matter of seconds as she realised that she was in the Mikaelson's household, harsh whispers filling her ears almost instantly.

"She has to stay in rest", a feminine voice spoke, tone harsh in an almost patronizing way, as few shuffle were quietly noticed in the background, Cami moved slightly into the hall so that she could see the commotion starting at the end of the staircase, "And her pack needs her".

The quadbrid frowned, her ears picking at each of th two voices as she realised that it was her blood mother and her brother's, her feet slowly approaching the balcony that stared down at them.

"We've been practicing witchcraft all night long, she can't just go save your asses unprepared", Ranya spoke, her hands falling by her side as she shook her head, "She's not gonna save anybody's ass, Garrett has Liam and he said that he want both alphas there or he will kill him".

The redhead gaped, her jaw hanging slack as she covered it quickly, the five people downstairs instantly turning to her, "Miracle", Scott sighed, his eyes guilty as he looked around the room in an attempt to find a distraction, his sister racing towards them in a heartbeat as she threw herself onto her brother's embrance.

Her hands were thrown around his neck and her figure stood on her tiptoes as she dragged the boy down to her height, him only groaning as he patted her back gently, her breath getting lost into his neck, "I'm sorry", she mumbled, her voice tickling the skin that made him instantly shiver, a small laugh falling off of his lips.

He shook his head, a heavy sigh making his chest heave with it, "It's my fault", he emitted, the rest of the females staring at the two in adoration, "I shouldn't have lied to you", Cami nodded, a small laugh tumbling from her lips as she parted from her brother, "Yeah, you shouldn't have", she agreed, Scott, -playfully, rolling his eyes at her antics.

The blue eyed girl span around, an awkward smile on her lips as she frowned, "Is it weird that I barely remember what happened yesterday?", she chuckled, eyes squinting slightly, "You kind of fell unconscious through one of the spells", Raya scoffed, an amused look crossing her features almost instantly, "Had to drag you ass upstairs".

Ira nodded, her lips pursing slightly as she grinned mockingly, her figure span on her heels as she crossed arms over her chest, brow raising as she stared up at her brother, "You were saying what about Garrett having Liam hostage", she stated, her tongue poking at the inside of her cheek.

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