𝐢𝐱. Top 10 family betrayals.

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❝Talk to the moon. Tell the universe exactly what you want.❞


Walking around the school hallway, Camille noticed her brother rushing past her, her own pace picking up as she followed after him, her breath slightly heavy as she ran by his side, "Where to?", the redhead wondered, Scott only frowning as he blank at her, "Liam", he spoke, his sister nodding as she passed him, "See yeah there, big bro".

The tribrid's figure raced between the halls, her body tilting sideways as she tripped over her, undone shoelaces, her form tumbling to the ground as her eyes closed in instinct, yet the shock never came.

"You okay there?", a voice spoke, Ira only frowning in confusion, her eyelids fluttering open as they were met with an almost exact replica of their blueish color, a chuckle falling off of her lips, "Thanks to you, my knight in shining armor", she chuckled, her hand tapping onto the blond's shoulder, "Why you're welcome, my princess", he bowed, his hand helping her stand straighter, "Why the rush tho?".

The witch grimaced, her tongue lapping at the corner of her lip as she nodded, "We-", "Need to talk", Scott spoke, his sister only glaring up at him as he cut her off, the blond doing the same, "No, you need to back the hell off", he exclaimed, his hand detaching from the she-wolf's waist, it pointing at the boys surrounding him, "Both of you!".

Iracle nodded as the newly bitten teen looked for a way out, Stiles blocking the other end of the hallway, "Just give them a chance to explain themselves", she spoke, her eyes pleading as her nose wrinkled slightly, her head tilted sideways with Liam only nodding in agreement as he waited for them to talk.

The Latino boy closer, a small frown taking place on his features, "Liam", he spoke, his thoughts racing for a sentence to ease the situation, "We're brothers now", Scott stated, the present teens blinking in shock, confusion, and embarrassment, "What?", the freshman muttered, his voice small as his brows furrowed.

"Oh god, that's-", the hazel-eyed boy muttered, his jaw hanging slack as he could not find a way to describe his friend's word, "Stupid", the witch continued, "That's stupid".

"We just met", Liam spat, "And you bit me!".

The Latino boy nodded, his movements seemingly robotic as he recalled Derek's words, "The bite", he spoke, his head continuing its action, "The bite is a gift", he articulated, his face falling as he noticed Iracle and Stiles' features, chock displayed onto them.

The latter scoffed, his form moving forward as he took a hold of his brother's shoulder and pushed him backward, "Scott, stop, please", he pleaded, the tribrid only nodding, "Just stop", she spoke.

Stiles scoffed, his figure moving forward as he pointed an accusing finger toward the blond freshman, "And you", he glared, head shaking in frustration, "We're trying to help you, you little runt".

Liam nodded, a mocking look forming onto his features, "Oh, by kidnaping me?", he deadpanned, his brows furrowing sarcastically.

The human shook his head, his figure stepping forward, "Just to clarify", Stiles said, his tongue darting over his lower lip, "Scott kidnapped you, I just helped and abetted while Ira, uh, Ira...", he spoke, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"What's your statue in the situation?", the hazel-eyed boy wondered, his gaze settling on the red standing next to Liam, her eyes rolling as she sighed, her lips pursing together, "Bored".

Scott looked down, a heavy breath leaving his chest as he walked toward the blond, his eyes boring into the shorter teen, "Liam, I've gone through this before, something's happening to you", the Latino boy spoke, his head nodding in confirmation, "Something big".

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